Are you starting to hear thumping, scurrying, pounding, and other violent sounds coming from your ceiling? If you have already suspected wildlife are having a party up in your attic you are more than likely correct. Except there’s more to the story.
Wildlife are not very quiet when it comes to mating. It’s often an extremely drawn-out, loud and rather violent affair. But the results are newly-born raccoons or squirrels that plan on living happily-ever-after, safely burrowed into your insulation. The fluffy-pink promised land of the wildlife kingdom!
Raccoons can be especially troublesome due to their dexterity and size. They tend to build large nests as well, in which they defecate and in some cases cause major damage to attics. If you’re play host to a budding wildlife family inside your living space it would be wise to call a professional to help you evict them immediately.
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control has many methods of removing and preventing entire families of wildlife from re-entering your home humanely and effectively.