Get Rid of Potential Food Sources
Raccoons are incredibly clever when it comes to uncovering potential food sources. They'll knock over garbage, rip off lids, or go digging if they think there's a culinary surprise to reward them. This makes it especially important to keep food sources secure. If possible, make sure to keep your garbage cans inside your garage or other enclosure. If it's not possible, consider buying secure lids or tying your trash bins to a fence or post. You should take similar steps with any pet food that's left outside. That is, make sure to bring it inside or keep it in an enclosure to which prying claws can't gain access.Trim the Trees Close to Your Home
While removing food sources near your home is an excellent first step for keeping raccoons at bay, it's not the only step you should take. Raccoons are cunning, and they'll use whatever tools they can find to gain access to someplace warm and safe (like your attic). If you have any trees near your home, you should spend some time trimming their branches before it gets too cold out. Raccoons may use them as a bridge to your roof or other entry points. If the nearby trees are fruit trees, it's especially critical to take this step. Fruit can attract these critters, and while they're munching on a sweet treat, they may realize that they're only a quick climb away from getting inside your home.Close Gaps in Your Home's Perimeter
So, you've removed sources of food and made it more difficult for raccoons to gain access to your home. However, your roof isn't the only way to get inside. Raccoons may seek out several potential entry points:- Holes in exterior walls
- Open basement windows
- Rotten siding
- Vents