Rodents are small and intrusive; they are also intelligent and elusive. A homeowner’s only defence against the cute, whiskered critters is diligence mixed with extreme cleanliness — that and mice removal in Victoria on speed dial.
A mouse infestation can do a number on your property. From chewed wiring to urine and droppings, mice rack up an impressive repair bill, especially since an infestation can go unnoticed and mice reproduce at rapid rates.
Thankfully, maintaining a mouse-free home is possible. If you adopt a few tips and behaviours, you can significantly reduce your risk of infestations.
4 Tips To Keep Your Home Mouse-Free
Keeping mice out of your house involves adopting specific behaviours, most of which involve developing habits. Still, habits are not enough to secure your property, you must also seal your house, creating a genuine barrier to entry.
Professional wildlife control technicians can help you pinpoint specific weaknesses or vulnerabilities on your property or within your behaviour. Almost every professional will offer four tips to every property owner to reduce the risks of infestations.
1. Seal Any Potential Entry Points
Mice have flexible skeletal systems, meaning they can squeeze through tight openings. An average size mouse can fit into an opening the width of a typical pen or pencil, roughly 6 or 7 mm.
As you can imagine, finding all the mouse-vulnerable openings around your home is difficult. A few places to check include plumbing lines and wiring; sometimes, the caulking around these openings dries out or cracks and falls away.
Professionals can help. Because of their experience and knowledge of rodents, wildlife technicians develop a keen eye for locating entry holes.
2. Keep Home Clean and Clutter-Free
The best way to get rid of mice or keep them out of your home is to keep your home and property clean and clutter-free. Cleanliness starts on the exterior, ensuring grass gets cut on a regular schedule and any debris, such as bird seed, leaves, and sticks, gets picked up and discarded.
Inside your home, you must maintain a cleaning schedule. Wash your dishes after every meal, vacuum and sweep at least once daily, and remove all trash from inside your home at the end of every day.
3. Repair Damaged Screens
Mice will look for any opening to get into your home. Damaged screens are among the easiest points of entry. You must check your screens at the start of every spring and make any necessary repairs before leaving windows open.
When fixing or replacing screens, consider a tear-resistant or pet-proof material. The heavy-duty screening can prevent mice from chewing an opening into the material.
4. Eliminate Food and Water Sources
Like all wildlife, food and water are key motivators in finding nesting sites. For mice, your house is a cornucopia of all life essentials. From dripping faucets to leftover crumbs, mice can thrive indoors.
To eliminate easy access to food and water, store all food correctly and maintain plumbing systems. Purchase airtight food containers for dry goods. Also, use garbage cans with tight-fitting lids to limit odours.
The Importance of Professional Removal Services
Professionals know how to get rid of mice in house materials or spaces. As a homeowner, you may not have knowledge of the various rodent species or their behaviours and nesting habits.
Professionals can eliminate a rodent infestation quickly and safely, without harming the animals. Humane removal is essential because mice, like all living things, play a role in the ecosystem. Also, as living things, they deserve compassion.
Do you have a rodent problem? If so, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to discuss your problem and schedule a proper inspection.