Squirrels are entertaining little critters. Many people enjoy watching them scurry up and down trees and jump from branch to branch. However, as cute as homeowners might think squirrels are, they know the animals can be destructive if they make it inside their house, which is why most people call squirrel removal services at the first sign of the animals on their house structure.
When squirrels make it onto your roof or seem to frequent your yard, it is only a matter of time before they wonder what is behind the exterior walls. As cute and funny as squirrels are, when they are motivated to get inside a property they will get inside. Once the animal is in your house, you want to move quickly to remove them, but how do you know they are in the house?
1. You Hear Scurrying
The first sign of squirrels in your house is the sound of scurrying. You will hear slight scratching or tapping move up and down your walls and across your ceilings. With any luck, you can have the squirrel removed before it establishes a nest or has babies.
According to wildlife control in Montreal, squirrels have a sleep-wake cycle similar to humans, so they will tend to wake up in the morning and go to bed in the evening. Therefore, you are more likely to hear noises early in the morning as the animals wake up and leave your house in search of food. You may also hear the squirrels returning in the evening and settling in for the night.
2. You Find Squirrel Droppings
Squirrels defecate often. If you hear scratching sounds in your walls, you may want to investigate the areas above and below the noises. However, before entering any spaces like attics, basements, or opening wall cavities, wait until the afternoons. If a squirrel is not trapped in your house, it will leave its nest in the morning and not return until the evening, meaning late morning or early afternoon is the best time to investigate your house.
Go into the attic and look between the floor joist and into wall cavities. If you have a squirrel staying in your house, you will likely find droppings. If you find droppings, contact a wildlife professional immediately to discuss potential solutions.
3. You See Chewing Damage Outside of Your Home
You can often tell you have a squirrel problem or a potential problem if you find evidence of damage around the exterior of your house. Squirrels are persistent and motivated to get into your home because it provides shelter and security. It is common for squirrels to chew and pull at siding, roof vents, chimney stacks, etc.
Evidence of chewing does not necessarily mean a squirrel has made it inside your home, but it does indicate it is trying to get inside. If you find evidence of chewing or exterior damage, you will need to contact a wildlife control specialist to inspect your property.
4. You Find Squirrel Tracks
Sometimes, you do not have to look too hard to find evidence of a squirrel in your house or on your property. You might discover squirrel tracks leading to openings or nests in your home. Not everyone will know what a squirrel track looks like, so it is beneficial to have the assistance of a wildlife professional.
Have you been hearing strange noises in your walls early morning or evening? Have you noticed any damage to the exterior of your property? If so, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control and schedule a property inspection. The company will send out a licensed wildlife technician to help you.