Raccoons are cute, clever, and play an important role in the ecosystem. Nevertheless, they can also be destructive. This means that you want to avoid attracting them to your property if possible. If you do find them on your property, you should call wildlife control in York for prompt raccoon removal.
What Makes Raccoons Dangerous?
Raccoons know what they want and can be very tenacious when trying to get it. If they decide they want into your house, they can damage shingles, siding, and soffits trying to get inside. Once inside, they can tear up insulation for bedding or chew through electrical wires to make more room in their new den.
Raccoons can carry many diseases, some of which can spread to humans. It is very important to keep your distance and avoid handling them to prevent exposure from a bite, scratch, or skin contact. Nevertheless, raccoons could still expose you, your family, or your pets to diseases through their feces. Raccoons typically choose a spot for a latrine where they do all their business. It may be inside or outside, but in either case, it could expose you to dangerous pathogens if you get too close.
What Attracts Raccoons To Your Property?
What raccoons want usually boils down to two basic needs: Food and shelter. If they find either of these on your property, they will probably be inclined to keep coming back. If they find both of these on your property, they may decide that they never want to leave.
Raccoons are omnivores. They can eat just about anything. Raccoons often cause problems for people by getting into their waste receptacles to look for food. They seem to be attracted to human garbage the way that people are attracted to junk food and for much the same reason; garbage tastes better to raccoons than the healthy foods that nature intended them to eat. You can keep raccoons out of garbage cans by using a bungee cord to tie them to a post to prevent the raccoons from tipping them over. The garbage cans should be heavy with lids that close securely.
There may be other animals on your property that you have to or want to feed, but you could also be providing raccoons with food without realizing it. For example, raccoons can climb trees to reach bird feeders. If you choose to have feeders on your property, put them on climb-resistant poles a good distance from the house. Raccoons will also eat pet food, and this can lead to a confrontation between the raccoon and your pet, which can be dangerous for the latter. Feed your pet inside or, if this is not possible, clean up the food dish as soon as possible after your dog or cat finishes eating. If you have a doghouse in your yard, keep it free from pet food or the raccoon may just decide to move in and wait for its next meal delivery.
If you keep chickens on your property, you probably worry about foxes. However, raccoons can also steal eggs or feed on chickens if they get the chance. You should place a fence barrier around the chicken coop made of a material stronger than chicken wire. This barrier should extend below ground level up to two feet to prevent raccoons from pulling it up or crawling under it. Make sure it closes with a latch or a lock that is complex because raccoons are smart enough to figure out how to open simple locks and latches.
Why Should You Call Skedaddle for Wildlife Control in York?
Our technicians are trained to remove wildlife from your home without harming the animals or putting your family at risk. Following raccoon removal, we clean and decontaminate to protect you from pathogens. Finally, we perform an exclusion to prevent them from getting back in. Learn more about the services we offer in York.