Any hole, any place, any time a squirrel can get into your home, roof or attic. They scurry around your attic. Build nests. Chew on wood or electrical cables. Cause major damage. Squirrels can make their own holes. Soft materials such as plastic, aluminum or wood are no feat for the small critter with powerful teeth.
This is a list of seven common entry points of squirrels.
1. Roof vents.
While ventilating the attic roof vents release warm air from you. Pests see this as an invitation to come in. Plastic and aluminum roof vent covers are easily chewed by squirrels so that they can get inside.
2. Roof edges.
Due to damp conditions shingles and boards tend to quickly deteriorate. Your roof edge tends to erode mostly quickly because that’s where moisture collects and ice dams form. Wood softens, weakens and becomes easier for squirrels to chew.
3. Roof-Soffit intersections.
It never stays flush where two roofs meet. Shingles from the lower roof rarely seal completely tight with the soffit above. There are frequently gaps for squirrels to get in where roofs and soffits meet.
4. Gable vents.
They have the same ventilation duties as roof vents, but two are installed are either side of a gable roof. Made of soft material such as wood, plastic or aluminum gable vents are a desirable point for squirrels to gnaw a hole.
5. Wall vents.
Exhausts for the kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Commonly found on the outside walls of your home. Pipes represent a tree cavity or perfect squirrel home. Plastic covers do little to keep them out.
6. Plumbing mats.
Used to vent out sewer gases connected to the plumbing system. The hole for the plumbing vent is usually cut larger to extend the pipe outside. A rubber mat is the only thing in the way for squirrels to get in. A simple chew.
7. Chimneys.
Uncapped chimneys are easy entrances. Aluminum or clay lined flues make it difficult for squirrels to climb. They can fall into the fireplace. But, they easily climb brick and build a nest at the bottom of the chimney.
Humane Wildlife Removal
Take a regular look around the outside of your home. Holes and cracks can easily develop over time, offering an easy access to your home. If you notice any damage made by squirrels contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. We’ve been removing squirrels and keeping them out since 1989.
Call today! 1-888-592-0387