Sharing your vehicle with a family of mice is not a pleasant experience at all. It can be quite unnerving to hear the little animal scurrying around inside the vehicle without actually seeing him. Much worse is if the animal becomes frantic (usually this happens at the sight of humans) and starts to dash around in the vehicle. And you don’t even want to think about this happening while you are driving. In addition to the discomfort, you’ll have to deal with thoughts of the many viruses and bacteria that may be lying in wait to invade your body, thanks to your unwanted travel partner. Safe and effective mouse prevention strategies and services can save you and other Pickering residents from the discomfort and dangers of rodent intrusion.
One Rodent May Mean Many
If you spot a mouse inside your car, this may be a sign, not an ominous foreboding one but rather an indication that there is a bigger rodent problem brewing. This is especially important in the winter when animals seek warm havens to call home. Your car offers nice secretive rodent homes through its dark crevices and warmth.
Where there is one mouse there are likely to be many so check the surrounding areas for signs of intrusion. It may well be that there are mice in your garage or house and the little foragers have found their way into the vehicle.
What Happens if You Find a Mouse in the Car?
If you are confident that it’s just one rodent that has snuck into your car here are some ways you can try to scare them away.
- Honking your horn – You may disturb other people in the area but guess what? You’ll also make the rodent uncomfortable as well and maybe it’ll leave on its own.
- Make the environment in your car unfavourable for the uninvited guest. In the summer they seek shade from the heat so if the car becomes hot (which will probably happen if you park it outside and roll the windows up) they will flee. In the winter they seek warmth so if the car’s interior becomes cold (which you can make happen by opening the hood for a bit), they will scurry on out to find more suitable living quarters.
- Illuminate the dark areas of the car. To do this you can place battery operated lights at the entrance of the dark areas (like under the dashboard).
- Turning on the radio also helps as mice do not appreciate a noisy home.
- Soaking a rag or sponge in apple cider vinegar or some other rodent-repelling substance and place it in the space occupied by the rodent.
It takes a while for these methods to work so you’ll have to exercise a little patience by waiting about three days to see the results. However, if you still have a rodent living in your car after doing all this, it is time to call in the experts.
The Importance of Prompt, Proper and Thorough Rodent Removal and Control
Even though rodent intrusion in cars is not as popular as their infiltration of buildings you shouldn’t ignore the possibility of it happening to your vehicle. Don’t be misled by the idea that rodents only take over abandoned vehicles or those that have been in storage for an extended period. It just takes a few moments for a rodent to wiggle its way into your car. And when they get in they can do some damage. They will chew away at wiring and other parts inside the vehicle which hampers the vehicle’s ability to operate.
Rodent intrusions escalate quickly (especially since mice are such prolific procreators) so quick action is essential. If the situation seems too much for you to handle, call in the experts. Teams like Skedaddle will provide you with the most efficient and effective mouse prevention services you can find in Pickering.