When it comes to birds in the United States and Canada, you might find it interesting to know that several bird species are protected due to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. The statue was created years ago and makes it illegal to hunt, take, pursue, capture or kill the birds mentioned in this treaty as they migrate from one place to the other. When it comes to a bird infestation in your Canadian home, you want to be sure that the birds bothering you can be removed. Bird control experts will be able to assist in this manner.

An adult starling
Starling Infestations
Starlings are small birds that like to use homes as a nesting area, though they do not make neat nests. The birds can be very messy with their nest making skills and can extend their homes for several feet within a chimney pipe or venting. This can be a fire hazard and must be removed as quickly as possible. Nests can also be made in soffit, roofs and roof vents. When a nest is located in a chimney, moisture and carbon monoxide can be blocked from exiting the home which can lead to a build-up in the home of hazardous materials. Bird droppings are also a nuisance.

A starling nest inside a soffit
But are starlings protected? Can they be removed from your home? Starlings actually fall into a category in the Migratory Birds Convention Act of 1994 that are not protected. However, while the birds are not protected under this act or the 1918 statute, they may be protected due to territorial or provincial legislation, or other means. By working with professional pest control services, you can find out if the birds can be moved and have quality removal services provided to ensures all steps are covered.
Removal Service
When it comes to birds, removal can be tricky. Birds must chased away or allowed to leave the premises with their entry points blocked off once they are gone. Nests have to be checked for eggs or babies and if they exist, must be reunited with the mother if possible. A professional wildlife expert who specializes in bird control will be able to assess the home, come up with a quality plan and remove the birds in no time.
Once removed, the technician will then need to remove the nesting materials to ensure the home can function properly as well as remove any fire hazard issues. Cleaning services may be needed to remove any signs of bird droppings from the area in which the bird had taken up residency. Preventative measures should also be taken with entry and exit points closed off with mesh or grating to ensure birds cannot enter the same space in the future.
When you have a bird problem in your home, be it starlings or another species, contact our office for removal service. At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, we are well-equipped to handle your bird removal needs and work quickly to restore your home to proper order.