Bats can be a nuisance, but removing them doesn’t have to be difficult. Once you learn their behaviours, it becomes easier to keep them out. Bats tend to move inside during the summer when it is hot out.
If you already have a bat problem, make an appointment with a professional service that specializes in bat removal in Victoria. Below, we answer some frequently asked questions about bat roosts in basements.
What Attracts Bats to Basements?
Bats love the dark. They are nocturnal, so any place they can sleep during the day, away from predators, is a safe space for them. They also roost under bridges and in caves, but your basement is likely warmer and may be close to a food source.
Even though bats would prefer to be up high, trees have too many other animals that want to eat them. Attics are therefore attractive, but they are too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. Thus, your basement provides a reliable temperature with a shelter in which it is safe enough for them to sleep and nurture their young.
How Can You Deter Them in the First Place?
The first step is to make sure there is no food that they can smell. They love fruit and food waste. Then seal any openings in your home. Bats will most likely enter through small gaps near your attic, but they won’t stay there. They’ll move into the interior of the walls and travel down into the basement.
The ceiling of your basement may need to be finished in order to keep bats from coming in. Cylindrical gaps surrounding pipes are a common opening that allows bats to get through. Bats are small and supple, so it doesn’t take much of a gap for them to squeeze through. Contact a specialist for wildlife removal on Vancouver Island if you see bats, but are not sure how they are getting in.
Can Bats Be Removed from Basements?
Yes! But you will likely need professional help in order to do so. Keep yourself away from the bat, but try to open a window or a door that is close to where the bat is. It may fly out on its own. Then you can just quickly shut the door or window behind it. If there is no food or water source, it will not likely return.
You can also try turning off anything that makes noise. Bats use echolocation to determine how to fly and where their friends are. If there is a loud furnace or air duct system in your basement, the bat may be confused and unable to locate a way out.
What Happens If I Try to Remove Them Myself?
If you hear a clicking noise coming from the bat, this is a signal that it is scared, and is likely to bite. At all times, keep a safe distance from the bat. If it bites you, you can contract rabies. Their droppings can also transmit disease.
Bats are also a protected species in most provinces. If you hurt or kill a bat, you may have broken the law. Bats are important to keep around because they reduce the insect population in neighbourhoods. They also eat pests that could kill trees. Forests are much more healthy when bats are plentiful.
Trust Skedaddle for Bat Removal in Victoria
Your safest and most effective option for getting rid of bats is to call a professional service. We come to you with specialty equipment, safety gear, and expert knowledge that can resolve your problem quickly. We will also proactively prevent any further infestations of bats. Request our services today.