As spring approaches, many of us are looking forward to the first sightings of sprigs of green grass and buds popping out on trees. So are many of our area’s wildlife, Canadian geese among them. In the early weeks of spring, geese begin to stake out the ideal turf for raising a family. Expansive lawns of green grass situated next to a pond or lake are ideal locations. If you suspect geese are eyeing your property, contact professionals in humane wildlife removal Coquitlam for help.
Many neighbourhoods and business parks fit the bill for the urban geese’s preferred habitat. They have ample access to food — geese feed on grasses — and water. These open areas also serve as protection from predators, as the birds have a clear view and, thus, fair warning should any predators approach the area. This is particularly important when the females are nesting, or parents have their little ones in tow.
Why Are Geese a Problem?
As migratory birds, Canadian geese are protected species. These days, their population has very healthy numbers. If you have been to a park or shopping area that is inundated with geese, you know how noisy they can be, but that’s not the biggest issue. They leave their droppings everywhere. This is more than just messy; it can also become an environmental and human health hazard.
When goose poop gets in the water, as often happens due to rainwater runoff, it can lead to algae and submerged plant growth. Too much of either leads to a depletion of oxygen, which can cause the die-off of aquatic animals. In addition, their feces carry pathogens that can make people sick if they ingest any of the water. The two biggest culprits are Giardia and coliform bacteria.
Canadian geese are also territorial and can become aggressive when their turf is encroached upon. Their beaks can cause some painful injuries, and a whack from their wings does not feel good either. Children are particularly vulnerable. In the spring, when the females are nesting or after their goslings have hatched, they are even more likely to become agitated as they are very protective of their young.
How Do You Prevent a Goose Invasion?
The best time to do something about geese on your property is before they arrive. In the spring, pairs are on the lookout for where they can nest. Once they build a nest, bird control becomes very difficult. If there are eggs in that nest, or the little ones have hatched, you won’t be able to remove them until after the goslings fledge. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can help you determine the safest time for wildlife removal in Coquitlam.
There are a few measures that you can take before the geese arrive to protect your property from a goose takeover. Ensuring that the geese do not have the open line of sight they prefer between the water and the grass is a great deterrent. This can be in the form of tall, natural vegetation along the shore or with barrier fencing comprised of at least two lines of wire or rope to prevent them from stepping over or under the barrier.
If neither of those is an option, there are other possibilities, though they are not quite as effective. Using predator decoys is one possible option, but you have to move them around regularly. Another possibility is to post scarecrows, flags, mylar tape or balloons in various locations around the property. Employing a few of these in conjunction with one another improves their efficacy.
Who Can You Call for Help?
Skedaddle technicians specialize in humane wildlife control. We can help you reclaim your property and will work with you to determine the best Canadian goose deterrents for your environment. For more information or to schedule an appointment contact us today.