They’re quick, shifty and adept at surviving. While many other species have met their demise through extinction by natural or man-made means, these furry foragers have endured thousands of years of existence on earth and their numbers remain strong. You’ve probably guessed by now that we’re talking about mice. Let’s take a look at why mouse prevention should be a high priority among Pickering residents.
Little Mice – Big Problems
Mice are active year-round, but they tend to move into people’s homes during the fall and winter when it is cold outside. Once they get in trouble starts brewing. Their powerful teeth allow them to chew through most of the material inside your building including wooden walls, insulation, electrical wiring, and piping. They are also conduits for diseases like Leptospirosis and the Hantavirus.
Clean Mice Out
It’s probably old news by now but a clean environment really goes a long way in keeping rodents away. Rodents are attracted by the feeding opportunities that an untidy environment presents. They have very flexible diets and this is perhaps the key to their survival throughout the centuries. Rodents eat both meat-based and plant-based food. This means most of what you throw out goes on their banquet table. They have powerful sensors that allow them to detect the food you’ve tossed and they are pretty persistent when it comes to finding it. If rodents don’t detect food on your premises, they are likely to turn their attention to better prospects. Ensure that mice don’t detect a feast on your turf by storing garbage in tightly sealed containers, or better yet removing garbage from your premises daily.
They also view chaotic settings as prime housing opportunities. In the rodent world, a dilapidated building is a real estate treasure. They can use the clutter that you have lying around to make their nest or to conceal themselves. If the space is to open, clean and airy, then they will not want to live there. Clean out the clutter and get rid of any item that can conceal a mouse nest.
To make matters worse, rodents like mice have pretty much mastered the arts of communal living and procreation. Within mere weeks a single rodent issue can multiply into a colony. In fact, once you spot a single rodent anywhere inside, there are likely to be others as well. Your mouse prevention activities must, therefore, be swift and effective to prevent escalation of the problem.
Expert Mouse Prevention
You should really take steps to prevent a mice problem before you even suspect that they might be around because once they are in, it will be tricky to get them out. Skedaddle offers expert mice exclusion services. This service includes the installation of barriers to prevent rodents from getting in through vents and chimneys. They will also find and seal cracks and holes that can act as access points for the rodents.
If the signs already there (those rice grain shaped black droppings, the sounds of little mice feet scampering around in your home at night, that awful smell, or spotting an actual mouse) colony of mice have already commandeered your home don’t worry. All is not lost, especially if you have the Skedaddle team on your side. Skedaddle offers thorough and efficient mice removal followed by comprehensive exclusion services. When DIY mouse prevention strategies fall short, Skedaddle will step in and solve the problem once and for all, leaving your Pickering home rodent-free.