Temperatures in Ontario are dropping fast. This January has been extremely cold already. If you suspect wildlife in your home right now, it’s best to have a professional check it out. They’re not that different from us, meaning they don’t exactly want to be roaming around in sub-zero temperatures, either!
For this reason they may need to stay in your attic until the weather is a bit more tolerable to try and find a new home. They simply won’t leave on their own. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can advise on the best course of action if you have wildlife living in your attic, or other areas of the home. This could involve a number of different tactics to get them to leave and never return.
Remember, urban wildlife typically have five or more den sites in a close proximity, so the likelihood of a family of raccoons or squirrels only living in your home is slim. They know their way around your neighbourhood quite well, and once evicted from your home, they will quickly set up shop in one of their alternate sites.
Give Skedaddle a call if you’re experiencing wildlife problems. 1-888-592-0387