Most people know to stay away from skunks. They may have an eye-catching coat and make great cartoon characters, but anyone who wants to avoid needing to shower for hours knows to avoid these critters. However, pets don’t always know how to give skunks a wide berth. This may make you worry about what could happen if your pet and a skunk got into an altercation.
Do Pets Get Sprayed?
It is probably not much of a surprise that skunks may spray dogs and other pets if they feel threatened. The foul-smelling spray is a defense mechanism designed to warn away potential threats without a physical altercation. Unfortunately, that means your curious pet may come running to you smelling terrible.
This can be distressing for your pet and will likely frustrate you. However, there is no physical danger from the spray. A good cleaning should remedy the situation.
What About Physical Attacks?
Even though the spray is unpleasant, you should be glad for it because the alternative is worse. Skunks sometimes choose to fight pets instead of spraying them. They may also spray first then attack if they think it is necessary.
Skunks are hunters that attack and kill small animals. While skunks may not fare well against a large dog, they have sharp teeth and claws and can cause some harm in a scrap. The biggest concern for most pet owners is the possibility of rabies. Even without the possibility of disease, no one wants to see a beloved pet come home with bites and scratches.
If you believe your pet has been in a fight with a skunk, take it to the vet right away. This is the best way to get ahead of rabies and other diseases as well as to have their wounds treated.
Skunks may also carry parasites and other diseases that could infect your pet. These are typically less of a concern compared to rabies. Nonetheless, it is always best to have your pet checked out and treated after any wild animal attack.
How Likely Is an Attack?
Skunks are omnivores and will eat all sorts of things. They do hunt small animals, so you may be concerned about pets such as ferrets with skunks around. Of course, most pets that could become skunk food are not ones that roam freely.
Cats and dogs are unlikely to be attacked by a skunk unless they threaten it. A curious pet will normally be scared off by the spray without major incident.
Unfortunately, skunks may feel cornered and could attack with serious ramifications. It is best not to risk it if you think you have a skunk in the area. This is doubly true if you think you have a den. Skunks are much more likely to attack if they think their young are in danger.
What Should You Do?
The best thing you can do if you think there is a skunk in your home or on your property is to call a Milwaukee animal control service, such as Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. We will help you get the skunk off of your property and prevent it from coming back. In the meantime, make sure your pets stay inside, away from the skunks. Again, it isn’t worth risking a possible fight.
Contact Us Today
Whether you have a skunk problem or any other wildlife issue, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control right away. We are happy to come to your home and help you address the problem. If you need Milwaukee animal control, call 414-522-1999 to set up an appointment. Otherwise, check our locations for one near you. Addressing the problem promptly is the key to success.