Canadian winters can be long, even in the Okanagan Valley, but with COVID lockdowns, this winter felt a lot longer! How many of you are ready for summer? At Skedaddle, we are too! Though we won’t likely be free to move around as easily as pre-pandemic times this summer, at least we can spend time outside, in our own backyards, soaking up the sun and cooking up our favourite foods on the grill. There will likely be many more BBQs than normal this season, which could spell trouble if you are not prepared.
Raccoons, skunks, squirrels and birds all know how to spot an opportunity when they see it. We all know that we have to contend with insects whenever we spend any time outside in the summer months. You get used to shooing flies away from your food and swatting at mosquitoes. You tolerate these uninvited guests because it’s the price you often have to pay to enjoy the great outdoors. However, you don’t really need any masked bandits crashing your party, and they sure do love a good BBQ.
Why It’s Important Not To Invite the Wildlife
Most people enjoy seeing our fine feathered and furry friends show up at our cookouts. They’re entertaining to watch, and who isn’t guilty of tossing crumbs to the birds or a chip to a begging squirrel? It’s great fun, especially for kids (who are we kidding, many adults have just as much fun!). As amusing as it is, there are several reasons why you should not invite wildlife to your BBQ, including:
- You send wildlife the wrong message: Wild critters should have a healthy fear of humans. It is a necessary survival instinct. When you feed them, they learn that people are not to be feared. You also send the message that humans are an easy food source. They grow to expect food around people, which can lead to trouble for them and for those who choose not to share their meals.
- Wildlife is wild: This may seem like we’re stating the obvious, but the point is that their wildness makes them unpredictable. Even those that have become used to humans. You never really know when one will get spooked or try to defend its food from a perceived threat. A situation like that could turn dangerous really quickly. A raccoon can inflict a lot of physical harm with its sharp teeth and claws. If you notice a masked bandit hanging around your home, don’t take it in as part of your family and invite it to your cookouts. Instead, contact our experts for raccoon removal Okanagan.
- Human food is not wildlife food: Even though raccoons and skunks are opportunistic omnivores, it doesn’t mean that they should be eating human food! A healthy diet for them consists of insects and other animals, as well as plants, seeds, vegetables and fruits. Our meals aren’t good for them. Our food is even worse for birds and squirrels.
How To Keep the Wildlife Away
It’s important to restrict your BBQ guestlist to just your human companions and your furry family members. You may not be able to prevent any wild animals from attempting to crash your party. After all, our food smells just as good to them as it does to us. You can discourage them, however. First of all, never feed them, not even unintentionally. Don’t leave your food out when no one is around. Clean up immediately and throw away all trash in a secure bin. These simple steps will go a long way toward keeping your cookout safe for wildlife and you and your guests.
When You Need the Professionals
If you know that you have resident raccoons or a skunk, don’t wait until your first BBQ to address the situation! Contact Skedaddle for raccoon removal Okanagan technicians to make sure these unwanted guests are removed to a more suitable location so you can enjoy your invited guests without worry.