Wildlife control in Okanagan doesn’t just apply to your house — it can also save your garden from destruction. Unfortunately, many of the vegetables and flowers that humans love also attract critters, and without the proper deterrents, they’ll completely wreck your lovingly tended garden beds. If your plants are the target of hungry animals, here are a few ways to safeguard them.
Identify the Pest
The most effective anti-pest strategies begin with knowledge. What is getting into your garden and causing so much havoc? You can figure it out by looking at the crime scene.
First, look at the plants and ask these questions:
- What was eaten?
- What was left behind?
- What do the chewed parts look like?
Due to differing diets, various animals prefer certain types of plants. Their teeth also leave different marks. For example, chipmunks love fruits and have long front teeth perfect for scraping away at tough materials. Rabbits, on the other hand, prefer vegetables and nibble tender shoots.
Another way to identify the culprit is to lay ground limestone around your plants. Animals will leave clear tracks you can study the next day.
Try Gardening in Pots
If the responsible critters are small, you can protect your plants by putting them in containers. Decorative ceramic pots are a classic option, but you can grow greenery in any container with proper aeration and drainage:
- Plastic pots
- Feed troughs
- Grow bags
- Trash cans
- Buckets
Container gardening gives you more control, as it allows you to customize the soil for each plant. Is one of your flowers not getting enough sun? You can pick up the container and move it to a sunnier area. You can even bring your garden inside to protect it from frosty nights. Additionally, burrowing critters won’t be able to plunder your tubers.
Secure Your Compost
Wildlife loves fresh greenery, but many animals will also eat rotting food scraps. Composting is an excellent way to sustainably dispose of unused food while nourishing your garden, but it can also attract unwanted guests. Fortunately, you can avoid this issue with secure storage that keeps smells inside the container.
Plastic garbage bins are great options since they can hold a good amount of compost, but they don’t have locking lids. If you choose a garbage bin, critter-proof it with mesh wire. You can also lock your bins inside a shed or behind a high fence.
Put Up a Fence
Speaking of fences, they’re a great way to keep your garden safe from wildlife. The key to success is thinking like the animals that plague your greenery. For example, many rodents burrow, allowing them to dig under fences. To prevent this form of entry, sink the fence at least a foot into the ground.
You also need to think about pests that enter from above, such as birds and deer. The latter can jump several feet, allowing them to clear fences with ease. Keep both critters out with a roof made of chicken wire.
Hire Wildlife Control in Okanagan
Sometimes the problem is too big for homeowners to handle on their own. For example, squirrels attracted by gardens may infiltrate your home. If this happens, you’ll need professional squirrel removal services.
Raccoons are another major problem since they leave latrines. Their feces contain dangerous bacteria and should only be removed by experts to prevent the spread of disease. Wildlife removal services can then take steps to keep raccoons off your property.
Do you need help protecting your garden from pests? Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control safely and humanely removes many problematic critters from residences and yards. To schedule an appointment, contact us online or give us a call!