One of the things that makes skunk smell such a powerful defensive weapon is that it takes a long time to get rid of. It may persist for weeks after skunk removal takes place and resist many efforts to remove it. If you have recently had a skunk problem requiring wildlife control in Barrie, here are some things you can do to get rid of the lingering odour.
1. Allow Air To Circulate
Skunks are generally less active in the winter than during the summer. This is good news because it means that an encounter with a skunk is most likely to happen when the weather outside is warm, making it more comfortable to keep your windows open as much as possible. This allows air to circulate, which helps to carry the bad smells away. Turning on your ceiling fan also helps to circulate the air and disperse the odour.
If the skunk spray happens during the wintertime, which can happen, you probably won’t be able to keep your windows open all the time. However, you can open them for short periods strategically throughout the day. Combined with other deodorization methods, this should eventually succeed in removing the smell from your home.
2. Keep Sprayed Pets Outside
If a dog or cat gets sprayed by a skunk, its first instinct is going to be to run back inside for shelter and protection. However, if you let your pet in after it has been sprayed, it will spread the smell all over your house. Therefore, you should keep the pet outside and wash it immediately. Only after the smell is completely gone from your dog’s or cat’s fur should you let it back inside. There are several solutions that you can make from common household items that are effective at removing the skunk smell from your pet’s fur, but they take time to work. Be patient, because the process can take several hours.
3. Pre-Soak and Launder Any Clothes That Have Been Sprayed
If you get sprayed by a skunk, you should take off the clothes you were wearing at the time as soon as possible. Do not throw them in the laundry hamper or on the floor to wait for laundry day. You should wash them as soon as possible using a heavy-duty detergent. For better results, you can also soak the clothes beforehand in one of the following odour-neutralizing solutions:
- One part distilled white vinegar to four parts water
- One part baking soda and one part hydrogen peroxide to six parts water
- One part ammonia to six parts water
The ammonia solution is the most effective, and you only need to soak it for 30 minutes. If you use the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda solution, soak for one hour. Soak clothing in the vinegar solution for three hours. Do not wash clothes with bleach after soaking in any of these solutions. The bleach will react chemically with the acidic ingredients and produce toxic fumes.
4. Place Bowls of Vinegar Where the Smell Is Strongest
Vinegar can be used as a deodorizer as well as a cleaning agent. It is non-toxic and effective at absorbing the skunk smell. You can place vinegar in bowls in the areas of your house where the smell is strongest, and while it evaporates, it carries the skunk smell away with it. Keep children and pets away from the bowls of vinegar because, although it is non-toxic, you do not want them to accidentally drink it or get it in their eyes. Vinegar shouldn’t cause long-term harm if ingested, but it can cause acute stomach upset.
Call Skedaddle for Wildlife Control in Barrie
Skunks are shy, docile creatures, but their smell can be formidable. Part of our skunk removal process is cleaning and decontaminating to remove the smell. Learn about our process in more detail.