Mice have long been a problem for homeowners. Most every individual has dealt with a mouse problem in the home at some point in time. Mice are annoying pests that leave behind feces wherever they go as well as get into your food supplies, claiming the items as their own. For most homeowners, traps and poison are used to kill the mice to eliminate the problem. Yet these mice removal methods do not necessarily work in the long or even short-term and are certainly not humane. There are pest control methods to completely eliminate the mice from your home without eliminating the species. With a little more time and effort, you can shore up your home so that mice are unable to enter in the future and the existing mice are removed in a safe manner.

Spilled bird seed is a mouse and rodent attractant.
Full Home Inspection
To begin, your home needs to be inspected top to bottom on the outside. The entry points for the mice have to be determined. No matter how many traps you set or how much poison you use, if you do not shut off access to your home, mice will continue to come inside. Mice are quite small and have the ability to enter into areas larger than just a ¼ an inch. Because of their ability to enter small spaces, the inspection of your home has to thorough.

Evidence of mouse activity inside an attic.
A wildlife technician has the ability to inspect the home with ease and determine entry points. The process starts with the base of the home and moves up the walls and onto the roof. Every aspect is considered in order to find the way in which mice are entering the home.
The exterior of the home will also have clues that can lead you to entry points. Look for collections of droppings and mice urine stains and search these areas for an entry point. Mice also have oily fur that helps them to squeeze into tiny openings. Entry points that are often used will have a brownish gray stain from the oil left behind. Chewing is also a sign of mice in the home and you may find components on the exterior have been chewed away so the mice can enter your space.
Once the entry points are detected, one-way doors can be installed in these areas. The mice will then be able to exit in order to look for food but will not be able to get back inside. At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, we offer a multiple step approach to mice removal. Our inspection and one-way door option is just one method we use to remove mice from your home. A proper plan based on your individual problem will ensure the mice are removed in a timely manner.
Have you seen signs of mice in your home? If so, give our technicians a call and we can schedule an appointment for an initial assessment. We will find out exactly what is going on and provide a plan for removal. Contact our office today to get started.