The problem of having mice in your car is no laughing matter. In addition to wreaking havoc on wiring, circuitry, and upholstery, mice are also disease-ridden and dirty. Internal and aesthetic damage aside, if left unchecked, mice can also cause severe performance issues in your vehicle, which is a precursor for potential accidents and other safety hazards. Not to mention, they have also been known to crawl inside vents, where they die and cause disgusting stench throughout the vehicle, all of which means mouse control is imminent for such a problem.

A mouse nest removed from inside a garage
They typically get into the engine from the ground, with the help of their small size. Then they make their way inside the vehicle by either the steering columns, pedal shafts, holes around cables and or various vents. When the car is running – especially in cold weather or winter – the engine generates heat, making the inside the perfect, warm place for mice to nest. On occasion, they can also access the cabin through any cracked windows, so be careful of that in the summer or warmer days of spring and fall.

Piles of bird seed inside the garage are a sure sign of activity near your car
Speaking of ways mice can gain access to car cabins, it goes without saying that mouse control is best done through prevention. Make sure never to leave any openings into your vehicle that they might use to their advantage. Similarly, fall foliage isn’t your friend when it comes to this issue, as foliage surrounding your car is likely to provide a safe and concealed pathway for the mice to reach your car.
The same applies for the inside – your car will be like a magnet for mice if it’s filled with junk, such as fast-food bags, cups, tissues, garbage, candy wrappers, paper and the like. If you treat your car as a dumpster, mice will definitely treat it as a home. A crucial consideration is to make sure not to allow moisture to build up in and around your vehicle; this is because mice thrive on water and are attracted to not only warm, but moist areas as well. If condensation persists time and time again, you may want to have a mechanic take a look.
If you do come across a dead mouse in your car, MAKE SURE TO WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES AT ALL TIMES. Seal the carcass in two Zip-loc bags and dispose of it in an outdoor trash can. Wipe the area of mice activity with paper towels and dispose of them; then, mix 1.5 cups of bleach with a gallon of water. Use a sponge and saturate infected areas of your car with the mixture. Afterwards, dispose of the gloves and sponge and wash your forearms, hands and under-nails area of your fingers for a minimum of 5 minutes using antibacterial soap. Following these steps will not only result in a car that’s clean and safe, but one that will stay that way for a long time.