Have you ever gone to your trash can only to realize that something has been helping itself to your garbage? If this sounds familiar, you may be seeking ways to protect your trash and avoid any more incidents. Fortunately, Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can help. The following tips will help you defend your garbage bins against wildlife. We can also help with raccoon removal in Milwaukee if your problem requires more than a few changes to your trash-handling practices.
How Do They Keep Getting Into Your Garbage?
You may wonder how raccoons keep getting into your garbage. Many people try a variety of strategies to keep these animals out with minimal success. Raccoons are very smart. They also are quite dexterous and able to manipulate things like lids on trash cans.
The unfortunate news is that keeping out a very determined raccoon is very difficult. However, with a few tips, you can deter them enough to make them look elsewhere for food.
1) Get Garbage Bins With Latched Lids
First and foremost, you need to use trash cans that have latched lids. Open trash cans or ones with lids that simply rest on the top (such as many wheelie bins) are far too easy for raccoons. They will simply push it up and go to town.
It is also a good idea to add other defensive measures such as bungee cords or even locks. If using a bungee cord, make sure to put it through the handle of the lid. Otherwise, raccoons will be able to easily get it off. Locking is a good last-ditch resort. Obviously, having to lock and unlock your garbage is less than ideal, but it could keep these masked bandits out.
2) Clean Trash Bins Regularly
Like many animals, raccoons use their sense of smell a lot more than humans do. They can often identify a possible meal from a long distance. One way to defend yourself against raccoons is to clean out your garbage bins often.
This doesn’t require anything fancy. Simply rinsing is often enough to reduce the smell. If that doesn’t seem like enough, try using a cleaning solution with ammonia. Raccoons don’t like the smell of ammonia, so it can help to repel them.
3) Put Garbage in a Protected Area
If possible, put your trash cans somewhere that is difficult to reach for raccoons. This could be inside a cubby or your garage. Storing them out in the open, under a deck or in a similar situation is like an open invitation to raccoons. They can get around all sorts of barriers. However, they will have a hard time opening a latched or locked door.
Also, place your trash cans on level ground. This makes it harder for raccoons to tip them over. A motion-activated light could help to startle away would-be trash thieves.
4) Try an Animal Repellent
Finally, you can try an animal repellent. These use unpleasant smells and/or tastes to keep animals away. Some people get mixed results with these solutions, but there is no harm in trying.
The main reasons for the difference in results may be whether there are other food sources nearby or not. Hungry raccoons are often more willing to put up with repelling odours and tastes. Those that have plenty of options may choose your neighbour’s less-defended trash cans.
Get Professional Help with Raccoon Removal
For raccoon removal, Milwaukee residents can count on Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. We use a three-step process to assess and remove the animals, clean and clear the area, then prevent and protect your home. By doing this, we achieve long-term, reliable results for our customers. Contact us today to learn more.