If you have a mortgage for your home, you are required to have homeowners’ insurance. Even if you do not have a mortgage, insurance is still a good idea because it pays for damage to your property due to unforeseen events, such as fires, storms, etc. As a homeowner, a good question to ask is whether insurance pays for damage to your home if an unwanted animal gets in. Nevertheless, the answer is not very straightforward. Different insurance companies cover a variety of wildlife control Milwaukee situations, so one may cover wildlife damage completely, another may provide no coverage, and still another may only cover certain expenses related to wildlife damage.
What Is Likely To Be Covered?
Homeowners’ insurance tends to cover damage due to large animals, such as deer and bears. Some policies also cover damage from smaller animals, such as raccoons, bats, and skunks. Unfortunately, this is becoming less common in Milwaukee as insurance companies frequently update policies to add more exclusions. Damage from rodents is rarely, if ever, covered.
Even when an insurance company covers damage due to wildlife, expenses related to wildlife management services may be excluded. Fortunately, the cost of repairs is often much more significant than the cost of the initial removal.
How Do You Know What Is Covered?
To find out what is covered, the first thing you should do is read your policy. This includes any notifications that you may have received in the mail informing you of changes to your coverage. If possible, it may be preferable to read your policy online as this is likely to be the most up-to-date version.
As you’re reading your policy, pay particular attention to the wording. If it does not exclude the animal that caused the damage by name, and it does not mention a broader category to which the animal belongs, you may be covered for the damage. For example, if your policy expressly excludes damage by rodents, you would not be covered for damage caused by rats. However, if the damage was caused by an animal that is not a rodent, which includes bats, skunks, and raccoons, you may be able to make a valid case for coverage.
Whom Do You Talk to About Your Policy?
If your insurance agent says that the wildlife damage is not covered, you shouldn’t necessarily take this as the final word. Insurance agents do not always know what policies say about wildlife damage because such claims are relatively rare. Many agents simply assume that the damage is not covered, but this is not always correct. You may be able to receive a more reliable answer from the insurance company’s corporate office. Keep in mind that although the answer may be more reliable, it may not be the answer you hope to hear.
What Can You Do About Wildlife Control Milwaukee?
You should be proactive in knowing not only what your original policy says but keeping up with any notifications of changes in coverage. You should communicate with your insurance company frequently to be sure that your current policy still meets your coverage needs. New exclusions may mean that you have to update your policy.
It is better to prevent damage than to deal with it as it occurs. Therefore, as a homeowner, you should be proactive at trying to keep wild animals out of your home by not feeding wildlife, trimming back tree branches, keeping trash in tightly closed containers, etc.
If you do have one or more wild animals in your home, you should deal with the situation as soon as you become aware of it. The longer wildlife is allowed to remain in your home, the more damage the animals can cause. In other words, quick action can save you money.
Skedaddle wildlife control Milwaukee experts not only removes the animals but cleans up after them and keeps them from coming back. Find out more about the services we offer in the Greater Milwaukee Area.