Fires can be quite destructive. Every year, hundreds of homes and businesses are lost to fires, and the unpredictable nature of fires causes damage that lasts for years. Luckily for one business owner and two raccoons, the fire department was on the job when flames started to spread in a warehouse. The incident has served as a strong reminder of the need to use humane wildlife control methods in Rexdale and the remainder of the world.
Raccoons Rescued as Fire Raged
The incident took place in South Bend Indiana where the raccoons were trapped on a smoke engulfed warehouse roof that was quickly heating up. The South Bend firefighters saw the danger the animals were facing and took swift action. They placed a ladder against the building and the raccoons grabbed the life-saving opportunity by skillfully climbing down the ladder and leaping to safety when a few rungs were left. A video, posted by the South Bend Fire Department on Facebook on August 5th shows the rescue.
Read the full article here.
The Inspiration Behind the Rescue
It is understandable that some people would question the humane treatment of raccoons especially if they have endured damage to property when these wildlife citizens intrude on their property. Raccoons are notorious for pillaging garbage bins and disposal sites as they forage for food, leaving householders with a tough mess to clean up. They also damage buildings and other property with their teeth and claws.
Raccoons are deserving of being saved first of all because, like us, they are living breathing beings that feel pain and suffer in situations like this. In fact, the South Bend Fire Department, in explaining their actions reaffirmed their core mission to save all life and property with an emphasis on the ‘all’ indicating that wildlife animals are just as worthy of being saved as other beings. Their interpretation of their mission reflects an approach that all human beings should take when confronted wil wildlife animals inside their homes or businesses.
Additionally, they are part of the delicate balance that keeps this planet habitable for all life forms. Raccoons help to maintain green spaces by spreading seeds (which later grow into plants) as they forage. They also keep the population of their prey in check. Without raccoons, we’d be seeing less shrubbery and more pesky insects.
Another reason to appreciate raccoons is the fact that they are simply remarkable. The fact that those two raccoons were able to scurry down a ladder makes them stand out as exceptional among other wildlife citizens. Raccoons have paws that function almost like human hands. No doubt, this allowed those two lucky raccoons to grasp the rungs of the ladder and get to safety. It is those same impressively dexterous paws that help raccoons to get food from places that other animals can’t access, like those tricky raccoon-proof bins.
Expert Humane Wildlife Control Services
Raccoons and all wildlife citizens deserve humane treatment. This should include safe removal strategies when they find themselves in our homes and workplaces. Property owners should also use safe methods to exclude wildlife animals like raccoons from their properties. The ideal team for this kind of job is a company with years of experience in humane wildlife control- a company like Skedaddle that has been providing expert humane wildlife control services to Rexdale and its surrounding area for many years. Skedaddle only uses safe, humane wildlife control and removal strategies because, like the fine team at the South Bend Fire Department, we truly value the life of each wildlife citizen.