(Banlieue Est de Montréal, Châteauguay, Chelsea, Hawksebury, Montréal-Ouest, Montréal-Centre, Montréal-Est, Laval, Rive-Sud de Montréal, St-Eustache, Ste-Therèse, Shawville, Terrebonne, Vals-des-Monts, Wakefield)
For customer service or to book a wildlife control professional, please contact us using the information below:
Humane Wildlife Control Inc.
50 Chemin Bates
Outremont, QC H2V 1A8
Also serving:
Banlieue Est de Montréal (514-395-4555)
Châteauguay (514-395-4555)
Chelsea (1-877-222-9453)
Hawksebury (1-877-222-9453)
Montréal-Ouest (514-395-4555)
Montréal-Centre (514-395-4555)
Montréal-Est, Laval (514-395-4555)
Rive-Sud de Montréal (514-395-4555)
St-Eustache (514-395-4555)
Ste-Therèse (514-395-4555)
Shawville (1-877-222-9453)
Terrebonne (514-395-4555)
Vals-des-Monts (1-877-222-9453)
Wakefield (1-877-222-9453)
You can also request a call back online.
Outside those areas or for 24/7 emergency service,
please call toll-free: 1-877-222-9453
Corporate Office:
Humane Wildlife Control Inc.
297 Brucedale Avenue East
Hamilton, ON L9A 1R2
Fax: (905) 574-7731
Customer Service: custserv@humanewildlifecontrol.com