Facts & ActivitiesPrint/download Activity Book (8.1 Mb) Join Ricky’s Team! Complete all the activities in the book and print out a certificate to become a Junior Humane Wildlife Control Technician |
BATSDid you know? The bats we find around here are called brown bats. They don’t suck your blood – they prefer to eat insects. |
RACCOONSDid you know? Raccoons can make more than 50 different sounds. Pretty chatty guys! |
BIRDSDid you know? Bird poop can cause a bad disease called histoplasmosis if you breathe it in. Don’t touch bird poop – it’s bad. |
SKUNKSDid you know? Skunks can direct their smelly spray up to 4.5 metres away. That means whenever you see a skunk, stay far away from them. |
SQUIRRELSDid you know? Squirrel nests are very large compared to their body size. They can extend more than a metre in an attic or vent pipe. |