Pigeons and Starlings are common birds that find their way into attics of homes. It is not uncommon for a homeowner to hear chirping or wings fluttering in the attic, which can indicate a bird is present. But which bird is it? Read on to find out more about pigeon removal and what process is best for getting rid of starlings in your home.
Pigeons have been around for centuries and are commonly seen nesting under bridges and on ledges and rafters of buildings. Because of their love of ledges and rafters, pigeons will find the attics of homes a lovely place to live. Pigeons will make a mess with droppings as well having the potential to lay eggs in the attic space. Pigeons lay eggs throughout the year, so anytime they gain entry into your home, babies may be present. Pigeons are identified by their odd body shape and green/purple colouring around the neck area.
Starlings are smaller than pigeons and also find homes to be a nice place to live. The bird can be identified by its plumage which is black with iridescent colouring of green and purple. This is how the bird can be confused with the pigeon due to the feathers colouring. Starlings are known to nest inside homes and attics during the spring and summer nesting season. This bird type will also leave behind droppings which can be damaging to insulation as well as materials in the construction of the attic space.
Removal of birds in your Mississauga home can be complicated depending on where the birds are located. It is not recommended that you try to remove the birds yourself. You may be hurt in the process or end up with a bigger mess on your hands. Wildlife experts will know how to assess the home, find the location of the birds and then begin the humane removal process. Birds can live in attics, in venting and chimneys. The process of removal can be tedious but all aspects of the nest as well as birds and babies must be removed in order to secure your home from any pests.
Once the birds have been removed, a technician will then be able to provide preventative maintenance. Entry and exit points will be sealed with mesh or other material in order to keep birds from gaining access in the future. By taking the preventative measures, you will not face the same problem with birds in the future.
Overall, it is important to recognize that you have a bird problem and then take action to alleviate the issue. At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, we specialize in removal services including bird species. Let our experts free your home of any bird infestation. We are happy to assist and will rid your home of birds, providing prevention methods along the way. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment for removal!