It is hard to deny that skunks are cute animals.The unique colouring, short legs, and wobbly waddle are adorable. However, according to experts in skunk removal in Durham, you must keep your distance.
Aside from the smelly defense skunks can use, they can also carry and transmit viruses like rabies and distemper. Additionally, they might dig up your plants, chew through wiring, and weaken your foundation digging.
How To Prevent Skunks
The best defense is an offense. When it comes to wildlife control, an offense consists of preventative measures. Thankfully, as with any wildlife control techniques, preventatives require maintaining safe distances from animals.
1. Install a Fence
One of the most effective techniques for keeping skunks and other wildlife out of your yard is a fence. You want to ensure the fence leaves little room for the animal to get underneath. Some of the best installations will include a barrier of some type, either concrete, wire mesh, or other deterrents.
2. Eliminate Food Sources
Another strategy is to eliminate any food sources. Skunks and other wildlife are motivated by shelter, water, and food. If your property offers even one of these essentials, skunks and other animals will be drawn to it.
Food sources can be anything from trash to pet food. Therefore, you want to keep garbage in a sealed bin, and if possible, store it indoors in a shed or garage. You will also want to feed your pets indoors. However, if you must feed them outside, make sure to clean up any scraps after mealtime.
Additionally, if you have bird feeders on your property, you will want to keep the ground clean. Ensure the seed remains in the bird feeder and not on the ground. You can install catches to help control the mess. Be sure to keep your bird feeders at the far ends of your property, away from your home.
3. Attach Wire Mesh
Skunks burrow, but they also take advantage of manmade structures for shelter. The underside of a deck or shed are appealing den sites. To prevent skunks from establishing a home under your deck, you might want to attach wire mesh around the sides of it. It would be best if you also buried a portion of the mesh to prevent digging. However, before installing mesh, ensure no animals live under your deck.
How To Remove Skunks Under Your Deck
If you have reason to believe that skunks are already nesting under your deck, you will need to take action to encourage them to move. You do not want to seal the exits because that can trap the animal or its young, effectively killing it. Instead, you can try humanely encouraging them to leave.
1. Lights
Install lights near the entrance of the den. Skunks prefer darkness, and bright lights or flickering lights will be unwelcome. Flickering lights can also resemble an invasion or threat, motivating the animal to seek shelter elsewhere.
2. Radio Voices
Skunks are shy creatures and like to keep to themselves. They want to avoid people at all costs. You can install a radio near the den entrance tuned to a talk radio station. Turn up the volume enough to be noticed but not enough to disturb neighbours. The human voices can encourage the skunk to move on from the location.
3. Professionals
The most effective way to move or encourage skunks to leave your property is to hire a wildlife control professional. These technicians understand the animals and have humane techniques for encouraging a change of location. The professionals can also make sure that any babies remain in the care of their mother.
Do you have a skunk family living under your deck or on your property? If so, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control for assistance.