Among the typical places around your home or property that are the most appealing and inviting to wildlife and pests is the attic. The attic usually provides plenty of heat, nesting areas and materials, a place to store food, the absence of predators and most importantly, an undisturbed environment. When talking about pests that you can expect to cause issues in the spring, some of the most problematic ones include birds and they love attics. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control offers help with removal services, as well as helpful tips for DIY protection.
Tips For DIY Spring Pest Protection
When it comes to birds, there are several ways you can safeguard against having your home infested. Among these are:
● Use outdoor deterrents
● Avoid offering a welcome home
● Do not become a food source
● Understanding urban wildlife
Using Outdoor Deterrents

A large nest inside an attic as a result of bird’s nesting in the vent above
Keeping pests like birds at bay can be done in a number of ways, including using outdoor deterrents. The goal here is to make your home or property less appealing to wildlife. There are many products available at your local hardware designed to keep birds away including spikes, imitation predators and reflective devices that throw off bird’s senses. Depending the birds you’re dealing with and the trouble they’re causing you, there’s a chance that an inexpensive deterrent might do the trick.
Avoiding Offering A Welcome Home
This is also common sense. Skedaddle advises homeowners to take a good look around the roofline of their homes. Noticing any areas or openings where bats or birds could get inside should be sealed off immediately. Any damage to the roof structure, holes and even openings such as vents or chimneys need to be closed to prevent pests from gaining access to your attic. A thorough inspection is the first step, so make sure to prioritize this activity.
Avoid Becoming A Food Source
The thing to pay attention to here is whether or not you are providing food to animals in ways you don’t even realize. One example is having a simple bird feeder in your yard. If you’re attracting birds to your property and keeping them well feed they’re more likely to want to make their home nearby. Aside from attracting birds, fallen bird seed can also attract unwanted mice, rats and squirrels to your property and house.
Understanding Urban Wildlife

Openings for stove, bathroom and dryer vents are a favourite nesting spot for starlings
Doing research on the most common nuisance birds in your area is a wise decision, as it can help you to better understand their habits. For instance, starlings are known as cavity nesters and make their nests inside small enclosed spaces. In residential areas, with few natural cavities in trees and rocks, startings will nest inside openings for pipes and vents on the exterior of your home. Their nests can lead to significant damage and cause a fire hazard.
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control: YOUR Professional Pest Removal Provider
Skedaddle is a company that has helped thousands of homeowners with their wildlife problems over the course of its nearly thirty year long history. Having pioneered humane removal and exclusion techniques and methods, Skedaddle offers not just removing wildlife from your home, but sanitization and future-proofing your residence as well. Contact Skedaddle today and ensure your home is free from pest birds this spring.