When raccoons enter domestic settings the effects can be astronomical, ranging from physical damage to impaired health. Tackling a raccoon invasion without the aid of experts is risky business, endangering the safety of residents of the home and the raccoons, also creating the possibility of causing more physical damage to the home. Additionally, most DIY raccoon removal methods are ineffective. The best results are achieved through professional and humane raccoon removal and Skedaddle has the ideal service for this.
Raccoons make a variety of sounds to communicate with other animals.Evaluating the Situation
Only the experts can truly diagnose the extent of a raccoon infestation. Animal behaviour specialists, like those on Skedaddle’s team, are trained to identify the evidence of raccoon presence in a home. One such form of evidence is the sounds the animal makes. Raccoons produce up to 200 different sounds and each sound has its own meaning and message. Our team is trained to identify these from other animal sounds. The untrained ear may mistakenly diagnose a raccoon infestation as another kind of infestation because many of the sounds resemble those produced by other animals. As an example, fighting raccoons can sound like cats.
Another is the physical evidence of the animal’s presence. Our wildlife experts can identify raccoon scratches from those of other animals. They can also observe fur and waste matter to determine whether raccoons are in the home.
Crafting a Removal Plan
Once the Skedaddle team has thoroughly assessed the home to find out how and where the raccoons are gaining access and where the nests are, they get to work at preparing a removal plan for that unique situation. The removal plan factors in the safety of the animals and people (which means harmful tools or methods are not used), the specific requirements of the clients and the extent of the invasion situation. Our preferred removal method includes gently coaxing the animal out of your home.

Raccoons also try to be quite as they are active mostly during nighttime.
Cleaning and Clearing To Maximize Your Safety
After removal comes the clearing and cleaning phase. This is where everything the raccoons have left behind (waste matter and other biological residues, food remains, and nesting material) is removed from the property. The area is then sanitized to kill all bacteria that may be lingering. This phase is crucial because removing raccoons does not equate to removing the health hazards created by the invasion.
Prevent a recurrence of Raccoon Invasion
The final phase of our humane raccoon removal service is called our protection service. Here we install effective and long-lasting barrier technology that will keep the animals from re-entering your space. This may include mesh coverings over vents to keep the vents open while denying raccoons access. To bolster this, we work with you to ensure that the raccoon attractions are reduced or eliminated to make it unlikely for the animals to even attempt to return to your property.
With Skedaddle’s humane raccoon removal service, your home is transformed from a raccoon haven to a raccoon free zone in which you and your loved ones can relax peacefully.