Every year, between September 15th and December 15th, hunters, in their best hunting gear, journey into Ontario forests searching for squirrels. You see, among the legal game in the region are two of the city’s squirrel species, the gray and red squirrels. For more information on the hunting laws of Ontario click here.
You may be tempted to believe that squirrel hunting will solve Ajax’s squirrel problems and eliminate the need for squirrel removal services but this is far from true. Squirrel problems always require expert attention, and in urban areas, it is illegal to hunt or kill squirrels in any way and is deemed as inhumane.
Can Squirrel Hunting Solve City Squirrel Problems?
Squirrel hunting does reduce the squirrel population but not enough to prevent intrusion situations. For one, it is still illegal to hunt squirrels in urban areas. There is also a limit on hunting a limit of ten squirrels per hunter. All others are protected by wildlife conservation and animal cruelty prevention regulations. And when hunting season is out, all squirrels are off-limits.
Additionally, those squirrels that escape the hunter’s snares and bullets will continue to seek food and shelter and as long as homes provide both, they will keep coming. You see, squirrels are wired with instincts that prompt them to seek out the means of their survival and when they sense these means on your property they will proceed towards it.
What You Can Do to Keep Squirrels Out
In order to ensure that you don’t get overwhelmed by intruding squirrels, you should take steps to exclude them from your space. This may mean erecting and installing barrier technology to keep them out. You’ll also want to consider eliminating the things that will attract squirrels. One major squirrel attractant on people’s properties is a bird feeder. Squirrels find the seeds you leave out for your birds quite delicious and will stop at nothing to get to them. To keep squirrels away you may want to consider pausing or discontinuing your bird feeding practice or squirrel-proofing your bird feeder.
Other things that attract squirrels to your property include corn, nuts, and sunflower seeds. If you’re an avid gardener and these are your favourite things to plant, you’ll probably have a squirrel problem. Any garden with food squirrels love to eat should be protected by a squirrel exclusion fence. It will also help if you reap the fruits as soon as they are ready to reduce the squirrel’s temptation to come and feast.
Why the Humane Solution is the Best Option
The humane method of squirrel removal and exclusion is the best option for preventing and solving intrusion problems. These methods are always gentle enough to be approved by wildlife protection authorities while being effective enough to keep squirrels away.
Humane squirrel deterrents focus on eliminating access and attractants. This makes them more useful for residents who are seeking to maintain squirrel-free properties. Instead of focusing on the impossible task of eliminating squirrels, these strategies combined encourage squirrels to stay away. That way squirrels stick to more lucrative environments, and residents get to enjoy their properties without interference from wildlife.
The humane squirrel removal service provided by Skedaddle in Ajax is the best solution for your intrusion situations. Skedaddle’s wildlife technicians cautiously remove squirrels, including babies, from the premises and ensure that they are relocated to suitable habitats in which they can thrive. They will also help property owners to build defences against squirrel intrusion. With these strategies in place, residents need not worry about squirrel intrusions and the city’s squirrels are safe from harm.