Raccoon mothers have a reputation for making warm, cozy nests in your attic. They’re fiercely protective and will do anything to protect their kit (baby raccoons). Keep reading to find out more about raccoon babies and why raccoon removal experts may provide the most humane solution to your problem.
The Role of a Mother Raccoon
When baby raccoons are born, they can’t really do too much for themselves. They’re blind, have little understanding of the world and can’t find food alone. Mother raccoons raise their kits for around 9 months. The first stage of that process is finding the perfect den to give birth in.
Trees, burrows and other sheltered areas make for good nests. However, the best of all is the warm, dark insides of a human home. Basements, attics and even sheds provide that. Once the mother selects one which provides warmth away from other animals, she’ll give birth and look after her kits for a couple of months. Thereafter, they’ll continue to move nests every few days in order to avoid any nearby predators.
If any threatening animals, humans or even other raccoons do approach a raccoon nest, the mother will protect it aggressively. In fact, mother raccoons are known to be so violent defending their nests that hungry predators don’t even bother to engage in a fight. There’s easier food to find elsewhere without mother raccoons in the way.
Why You Should Never Handle Kits
It’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever need to handle a kit. Raccoons are nocturnal and are unlikely to disturb you during the day. Mothers raccoons normally do a fine job of raising their young and will only leave them alone to find food or a new home.
If the kits are healthy and you simply want to remove them, then do so by calling raccoon removal experts. Interfere with the raccoon family and you could end up causing a lot of harm. If you separate baby raccoons from their mother they won’t learn the skills they need to survive.
Don’t even think about raising kits as pets. That poor kit is also unlikely to survive. You should also know that raccoons carry parasites, diseases, and potentially deadly rabies. If they bite, scratch or attack you, you’re putting yourself at risk of infection.
Why You Should Call Skedaddle
At Skedaddle we’ve been removing raccoons from homes since 1989. We offer a proper and complete removal service. Our proven techniques are humane and effective.
After our experienced technicians locate the baby raccoons, they’re removed and safely stored where the mother can find them. The raccoon entry and exit points are sealed, and the mother raccoon will carry her young to a new den. Not only do we keep the young family together safely, but we also guarantee that your home is protected from any future raccoon nesting.