As cooler weather quickly approaches, wildlife also takes seasonal approaches to ready for the fall and winter months. Humans need not let their winged friends go it alone. Rather than leave the success of fall migrations to chance, find out how to help birds this autumn by taking a few simple steps. Learn the top actions you can take on your own as a bird lover and what to do if you need bird control in Pickering.
Bird Feeder Check-Up
Birds are on the move as fall time approaches. Their extensive journeys take them all over the world, depending on the kind of bird. Just like most bird lovers, you are probably hoping to get a peek at some of the most unique and unusual birds as they pass through your area. One way to ensure that many different birds will stop is to prepare a feast in their honour. To do this, you have to provide a welcome wagon fit for kings and queens.
Pouring seed into your feeder that has been out since the beginning of spring will not suffice. You will need to put in just a little elbow grease for your potential autumn visitors to prepare for fall.
- Remove all old seed and debris
- Thoroughly clean and inspect feeder
- Determine if it is appropriate for winter use
- Consider more than one feeder
- Seek out feed that is for a variety of birds
- Replace clean and refreshed feeders
Water in Motion
Just like with cats and dogs, birds love moving water. Moving water is a long-maintained evolutionary trait, signaling to animals and birds that the water is likely safe to drink and not stagnant. Water is more appealing if it is in motion. Keeping water clean, refreshed, and unfrozen as the weather gets colder is a primary goal. To satisfy the need for moving water, there are several different options.
- Electric fountains
- Solar fountains
- Bubblers
- Misters
- Drippers
- Wigglers
Make Your Windows Safe
There are two ways to address window safety for birds during the fall season.
- The first point of protection is reducing the potential that birds will fly into windows and harm themselves. During migratory seasons, birds are often out of their element and can become anxious and restless. They know they should be moving but are either waiting for a flock to gather or are ahead or behind. The natural instinct to move is combined with the growing concern over cooler weather moving in to create a bewildering situation. It is during this time that birds often fly into windows. Birds can be stunned or worse, and it is up to the homeowner to take steps to prevent this. Applying tape or patterned film to the outside of the glass for the fall migratory season can help prevent injury to birds.
- Another essential aspect of window safety for birds is checking for properly sealed frames. Birds will often make homes in frames if no other option is available to them. Cracks and holes in frames can lead to nesting in inappropriate areas and the added potential for birds entering the home.
Prevention and Removal
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control offers bird control in Pickering, providing prevention and bird removal services. Prevention products can be installed before fall migration. All around exterior home checks can be completed before the start of the season to ensure that windows and eaves are sealed. Rather than touching birds or trying to handle the removal process on your own, it is strongly recommended to call in professionals due to the complications involved with wildlife.
Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control in Pickering to prevent or remove birds from your home before the fall migratory season.