Milton’s wildlife slowly creeps into our yards and parks. Reliable food sources and sources of shelter attract them to our property, tearing up your lawn and chewing on plants. It’s important to keep an eye on your garden and determine regular visitors. Narrow down the species destroying your lawn or plants. Then make a plan to reduce the damage animals make to your property. Raccoons and skunks can destroy your yard by building nests or looking for food.

Lawn damage from raccoons digging for grubs
Here are five ways to protect your yard from wildlife.
- Control the grub population in your lawn. Grubs attract skunks and raccoons to dig up large portions of your lawn. Keep your lawn healthy with regular fertilization and mulching. Grubs prefer compact soil. So, a properly aerated lawn can reduce egg laying. Thoroughly water your lawn at least once a week. This strengthens the health of your grass. If you discover a grub infestation use environmental and non-toxic pesticide to reduce the population.
- Build fences around gardens. Rabbits, deer and other wildlife are attracted to an easy food source. A fence will deter animals from munching on your plants. However, a fence is useless against raccoons. They can easily climb almost anything. So, it’s important to determine the species of animal destroying your garden.
- Scare devices frighten most animals. Garden centres and hardware stores carry a variety of products built to scare pests from your lawn. Motion sensor lights, sprinklers and acoustical alarms abruptly change the environment startling raccoons, skunks and rabbits. Scare tape is a helpful device that reflects the sound from wind to make a loud noise. Scarecrows are also an inexpensive homemade solution.
- Plant covers protect vegetables. It can defend that plants that you’ve discovered get the most wildlife attention. You can purchase covers at a garden centre or make your own with items around the house. Larger plants or trees can be protected by wrapping plastic or metal screens around the trunk.
- Taste repellents that are disgusting for pests. Applying different mixtures to your lawn or plants to repulse animals from eating and destroying your yard. A diluted concoction of hot sauce and water can be sprayed onto areas that have been damaged by pest consumption.
Removing attractants such as food and shelter are a great place to start, but if wildlife animals get too comfortable in your yard then call Milton’s Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. They can humanely perform wildlife animal removals and prevent any future damage.
Call us today – 1-888-592-0387!