Although raccoons usually live in wooded areas, they’ve become more adaptable over the years and are known to set up shop in people’s homes, including in attics and crawl spaces. Raccoons can cause a whole host of problems, from carrying disease to ruining your well-tended garden. Here’s how these pests can wreak havoc on your property and how raccoon removal services can help.
What Problems Do Raccoons Cause?
Even if raccoons seem calm and friendly, they can be quite vicious animals. One of the main reasons why raccoons are so dangerous is that they can carry potentially fatal diseases, such as:
- Fleas
- Parasites
- Rabies
- Distemper
- Giardia
While many of these diseases are transmitted through raccoon feces, you can contract some of them simply by being in close contact with droppings. For example, roundworm is a type of parasite that can lead to loss of muscle control, intestinal blockage and infections of the liver or pancreas in humans that are near raccoon feces. This is why you should never confront a raccoon or attempt to clean up its feces. Contacting wildlife control in Madison is the best way to safely and effectively eliminate raccoons from your property.
Raccoons are also known for being excellent climbers. They typically gain access to roofs by climbing on tree branches; from there, they can cause structural damage to attics, chimneys and walls. The main goal of these pests is to create nests to raise their young, which means that they’ll tear up shingles or other parts of your home to achieve this.
Another reason why you should never approach a raccoon is that they can be defensive fighters when provoked. Although they’re about the same size as a house cat, they’re stronger than they appear. If they feel threatened, they’ll use their sharp claws and teeth to attack you.
In addition, raccoons that are infected with rabies or distemper are even more notorious for being volatile and unpredictable. They’ll either bite or scratch their victims out of confusion and fear, which can significantly compromise human health. This means that you should never leave children or pets unattended outside in an area where you believe raccoons are hiding.
How Do You Know You Have an Infestation?
One of the simplest ways to tell if you have a raccoon infestation is to look for tracks. Raccoon tracks are easy to identify because they look like a smaller version of human footprints. Be sure to inspect around trees, in areas that contain soft soil and around garbage containers for evidence of tracks.
Another sign of an infestation is raccoon droppings. These are dark, tube-shaped and about the diameter of a nickel. They have a strong odor due to the presence of harmful bacteria and are typically found near piles of wood, at the base of trees, or near large rocks.
Lastly, raccoons are notorious for digging through garbage. If you find that your garbage is continually being invaded, you probably have an infestation. Raccoons are attracted to the smells coming from rotting food and will take drastic measures to get inside your trash can.
How Can Wildlife Control in Madison Help?
Raccoons can pose a number of problems, which is why it’s best to enlist the help of a professional to get the problem under control rather than trying to tackle it on your own. Coming into contact with raccoons or their feces can pose serious health risks to you or your family, and letting them run rampant in your home and on your property can lead to structural damage.
At Skedaddle, we can safely and effectively remove raccoons from your property without putting you or your family at risk. Give Skedaddle a call to learn more about our raccoon removal services and how we can prevent these pests from infiltrating your home.