We all know the smell. It’s so powerful. It’s a fear to be sprayed. It’s unbearable to have your dog sprayed. Pets will be defensive of their property. An intruding skunk could feel threatened. They stomp their feet. And suddenly the skunk sprays your dog. You let your pet back in and realize it’s covered in the stench. What do you do?
How to wash your dog
Tomato juice is the most famous method of washing out the skunk smell. However, this is a myth. Online there’s varying opinions of how effective it is, but nothing has ever been proven. It’s important to understand the chemistry of the spray. It’s made of chemicals called thiols. A simple shampoo isn’t enough to rinse these oils away.
There are plenty of homemade remedies. It’s quite simple to make a safe mix to help reduce the smell. Make sure to do a lot of research to guarantee your dog’s safety. This concoction is one useful example:
- 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
- ¼ cup baking soda
- 1 teaspoon liquid hand soap.
Scrub your dog with the solution. Avoid its eyes and ears. Allow it to sit on your pet for five minutes. Thoroughly rinse your dog. It might take a couple tries. Dry your dog. Keep an eye on them for a few days make sure there are no other complications from being sprayed. Some of the spray may have got inside your dog’s eyes.
Look out for eye irritation and swelling. Your dog could also have respiratory problems. Skunks carry rabies. There might have been an altercation. Make sure your pet is vaccinated. Watch for lethargy, weakness or loss of appetite. If these health concerns persist contact a vet.
How to prevent being sprayed
- Keep a close eye on your dog.
- Have a fenced in area.
- Use tightly fitting garbage containers to avoid attracting skunks.
- Purchase skunk deterrents.
- Block of entrances to common skunk den sites including sheds, decks, porches and patios.
- Call a professional skunk removal service.
St. Catharine’s skunk removal
If you regularly spot skunks in your yard make sure to search for points of entry or other places they can den. Your dog is far more likely to have contact with a skunk if they’re living some place on your property or yard.
A run-in between your dog and skunk can be dangerous and a nuisance. Sometimes it’s a lot of work to remove the stench. After discovering any evidence of skunks contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control.
Call us today to find out how we can remove skunks from your home. 1-888-592-0387