Life in Milwaukee comes with many perks and some not so pleasant situations such as wildlife invasions. In this blog we focus on raccoons and how they often find themselves in human spaces, especially when females are pregnant. This is not surprising as areas meant for wildlife are gradually shrinking due to commercial developments and the like. These invasions have established raccoon removal activities as a staple component of life in Milwaukee.
Raccoons’ favorite Spots in Human Territory
When raccoons enter your building, they typically head for the attic. If you own a shed or deck, then you can expect to see raccoons beneath it from time to time. Sometimes the adult raccoons you spot under your deck will be nursing recently birthed kits.
Raccoons under your deck are more likely to be nursing during April and May than other months because these are their chief nursing seasons. A raccoon litter can range from one to seven kits but the average number is four. It can be difficult to detect baby raccoons under a deck as the mother will usually select the most secure and hard to reach crevices for her den. This is where the expert wildlife control technicians can help!
Trapping, killing or relocating the mother raccoon should be out of the question. All three result in the baby raccoons being left to suffer and die. They are also actions that may land you in trouble with the laws that protect wildlife species. You can try using noise to disturb the raccoons (who prefer quiet serene settings) but, this might drive the adult raccoons out from beneath your deck leaving the babies unable to get out.
The mother raccoon may leave the den from time to time to forage for food and during these periods the kits will be left alone. It isn’t easy to confirm that the space is raccoon free and it is very important that you do not block off access points while babies are still inside. This is one of the primary reasons expert intervention is recommended in cases where raccoons are found living in human-occupied areas. Wildlife experts can confirm that no babies are under your deck before exclusion barriers are set up.
What to do if a Baby Raccoon is Under the Deck
If you discover baby raccoons living under your deck or even have reason to suspect they are, the best thing you can do is call in the professionals. If the babies seem to be abandoned, just be patient. The mother raccoon usually returns eventually to relocate her babies to one of her other dens (yes they usually have multiple den-sites!). Don’t feed them either, as their cries will attract the mother and hasten the reunion.
Skedaddle ranks high among Milwaukee’s top qualified and efficient humane wildlife removal services that can help. Skedaddle offers a comprehensive and safe approach to wildlife control and removal. This approach begins with a thorough examination of the situation. After the inspection is complete, the technicians are in a prime position to craft the ideal removal and exclusion solutions for your space. Once removal is complete the technicians can get to work with their raccoon proofing services. This will usually include the installation of barrier technology that will keep raccoons out.
If you are in need of humane and safe raccoon removal for your Milwaukee property, contact Skedaddle first. With their thorough, safe and regulation guided approach, you will have a raccoon free space in no time and will also be in a position to maintain this wildlife free status.