If you’ve ever had a mouse infestation, you may have been surprised to discover more mouse activity in your basement than in other spaces of the home. Mice are often attracted to spots that have food available, such as the kitchen, or areas that are closed off to the rest of the property, such as the attic. In addition to these places, many homeowners also find evidence of a mouse infestation in their basement. When you have a problem with rodents, the team at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can help with expert mice removal wildlife control in Milwaukee. Here are some reasons why they love the basement.
Lots of Great Hiding Spots
The basement is usually the place in the home where people store items, such as holiday decorations, sports equipment, old clothes, toys, and paperwork. Even if your basement is well-organized, the fact that it tends to accumulate so much stuff and can sometimes be cluttered makes it a perfect spot for mice to live. Piles of stuff create lots of great hiding spots for mice to take shelter.
One way to make your basement less inviting is to regularly clean up the clutter and get rid of anything you really don’t need anymore. Aim to remove as much as you can so your space is more open and organized and less enticing for curious mice.
Dark and Cool
The next reason mice head to the basement first in many homes is because it’s dark and cool. Basements are usually not part of the regular living space in a home, especially if the area is unfinished. The temperature downstairs in the basement is usually a degree or two cooler. The space is also typically not well lit throughout the day, giving mice a nice, quiet spot to hide. If there is a water source, mice will also be attracted to that.
To keep mice from setting up shop downstairs, you may want to consider finishing the space and making it brighter. Some homeowners turn a portion of their basement into a rec or game room or add another bedroom.
Less Foot Traffic
Basements are also ideal for mice because there can be less foot traffic. Depending on the layout of your home, you may spend very little time down in the basement. Mice can take advantage of this, thinking they have this space to themselves. If you are worried about the potential for mice to take over your basement, consider letting the cat spend time downstairs if you have one, or make it a point to spend more time in your basement to avoid a rodent problem.
Choose Us for Mice Removal Wildlife Control in Milwaukee
Ignoring a mouse problem in your basement can be a costly mistake. If mice are left alone to do whatever they want in your basement, they may damage your insulation, get into stored items, chew up wires, and cause serious problems to your walls and foundation. The urine and droppings they leave everywhere can also carry disease and possibly cause some health issues to residents inside. The best course of action is to get a professional wildlife expert to inspect your home and provide removal.
Mice are clever creatures, so it’s never smart to try to catch them yourselves if you have an infestation. Instead, let us take care of your mouse problem and give you back your basement to enjoy. Waiting to see if the problem goes away may make it much worse and lead to more damage to your home.
Find out more about our techniques to remove mice from your home. The crew at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can come up with solutions to a mouse infestation in your home.