Whether you live in the city or the country, chances are you encounter squirrels at least every now and then. Sometimes, squirrels have little fear of humans and will approach them for food. However, just because they seem friendly and curious about you does not mean that they are safe to handle. As tempting as it can be to feed and otherwise engage with them, most wildlife experts agree that you should resist coming into contact with these critters and instead contact a professional service that offers squirrel removal in Victoria for their prompt removal.
1. They Spread Disease
One of the most important reasons why the general public should not interact with squirrels, and should always contact a professional to deal with a rodent infestation, is their potential to spread disease. Squirrels may carry three diseases in particular that people should be aware of, which are:
- Lyme disease, which includes symptoms such as headaches, tiredness and fever, and is mainly spread by ticks that burrow under the fur of squirrels
- Leptospirosis, which causes symptoms such as aches, chills, high fever, abdominal pain and vomiting, and is spread through the urine of infected squirrels and other rodents
- Rabies, which is a condition that is almost always fatal if not treated early and, although rare, can be passed from squirrels to humans via bites and scratches
In addition to those diseases, squirrels can also be carriers of salmonella bacteria. It can be difficult to tell whether or not a squirrel is carrying a disease, and nearly impossible to gauge the infection status of urine and feces left by a rodent. Because of this, it is your best bet to stay away from squirrels and let someone trained in wildlife removal on Vancouver Island clear rodent nests and droppings.
2. They Can Attack
Although squirrels may seem friendly to humans when they are looking for food, you should never underestimate how quickly they can turn on you and attack you when they feel threatened. Because they are so small and have so many predators in the wild, squirrels have a strong survival instinct that they are not afraid to put to use. Like mice, squirrels constantly chew on objects with their ever-growing teeth, making any bite that they decide to deliver particularly painful.
Even if a squirrel is too timid to attack you, be aware that it may decide to attack your dog or cat if the squirrel is near your home and decides that your pet may be an aggressor. This is another reason why it is important to keep pets and children, along with yourself, away from rodents.
3. They Might Get Too Comfortable
It is also necessary to limit or avoid contact with squirrels for their own good, as well as the good of humans and their animal companions. For example, if a squirrel gets too used to being fed by humans, it starts to lose its innate ability to hunt on its own. This can lead to starvation and, ultimately, the death of the rodent. Humane squirrel removal in Victoria uses hands-on techniques to remove all the squirrels present while protecting your home during the process.
If you are concerned about squirrels in your area, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to safely remove squirrels, their nests and their droppings from your home or place of business. Professionals know how to handle the job without putting themselves at risk of contracting a disease or further agitating the squirrels.