The fall is one of the busiest times for professionals in mice removal in Vaughan. With the colder weather approaching, mice and other critters know that seeking a warm place with plenty of food and water is crucial to their survival. Still, homeowners often wonder why the animals invade their garages.
Why Mice Infest Garages in the Fall
Garages are often more accessible than other areas of a home, which means they are prime structures for little critters like mice. A mouse can squeeze through an opening the width of a pencil, so if homeowners are not keeping up with garage maintenance, including seals and weatherstripping, a mouse can easily get inside. According to experts, there are three reasons a garage is an ideal structure for mice.
1. Shelter
In the colder months of the year, animals need shelter. They need to find a place that keeps them out of the harsh winter winds and mounds of snow. A garage provides a necessary barrier to all the harsh winter elements, including snow and rain.
2. Heat
More than anything, mice want to find a warm place to wait out the winter. Garages, while not always heated, do provide some warmth compared to the outside. Also, mice will make bedding out of the insulation. If the garage is attached to a house, it may also offer residual heat or attic space that leads to the warmer structure of the house.
3. Food and Water
Many people store pet food and garbage in the garage. If the food and trash are not in proper storage containers, mice can chew through the packaging or bags to get at the food. Also, mice can drink water from melting snow off tires or car bodies.
How To Prevent Mice Infestations
Learning how to keep mice out of the garage is straightforward. According to experts, you can follow four steps to ensure mice don’t have easy access to your garage.
1. Reduce Clutter
Mice love clutter because it provides places to hide. Also, if you have a lot of cardboard boxes in your space, mice can chew them to create bedding for nests. The best way to reduce the risks of an infestation is by reducing clutter and using actual storage bins.
2. Seal Gaps and Cracks
Mice often enter garages and other indoor spaces through cracks or gaps in the foundation or walls. Before the weather gets cold, homeowners should inspect the outside of their garages and look for and repair any existing cracks. If you suspect mice are already in the garage, call a wildlife removal company to clear the space before sealing the entry points.
3. Seal Trash Cans
Setting or stacking loose garbage bags in the garage is one of the worst things a homeowner can do. You need to purchase proper garbage cans with tight-fitting lids. If possible, buy metal cans so animals can not chew through the material.
4. Store Firewood Correctly
Many homeowners in Vaughan have wood-burning fireplaces, so they likely have stacks of firewood somewhere on their property. If you have firewood on your property, make sure to store it correctly. Mice love hiding in bundles of wood.
You should not stack the wood near your foundation. Also, you should have a structure that allows you to pile the pieces at least 18-inches off the ground.
If you want to know how to get rid of mice on your property or in your garage, it is pretty simple: hire a professional. Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control and tell them about your concerns. The company will schedule a property assessment and send a team of qualified wildlife technicians to inspect your space.