The winter is a rough time for animals just as it is for human beings. There are many reasons to fight the urge to feed wildlife in the winter. If you insist on feeding them this or any other winter, you should have a humane wildlife animal removal service on standby. While they don’t seem to mind you feeding birds in the winter, most wildlife experts will advise against feeding other species of wildlife during these cold months.
One justification for this stance is the fact that wildlife animals have been around for millions of years and have endured many winters without human assistance. Essentially, therefore, the animals know how to fend for themselves. Wildlife experts believe that animals do not need human assistance to survive the winter as they have their own genetic built-in survival instincts.
Your Animal Feeding Habits Could Lead to Home or Property Intrusion by Wildlife
Feeding animals in the winter encourages them to come to your property as a haven. After eating the food you provide, some animals may decide to come inside and establish their nests or dens. This could eventually lead to health problems, damage to your property and an uncomfortable home environment. It could also put the animals you feed in danger.
You have no control over the types of animals that respond to your feeding practices. This means that animals other than those you intend to feed may arrive on your property to enjoy the feast you have provided. There is very little you could do to ensure that only the species that you actually want to feed actually come to your property.
Your Wildlife Feeding Habits Could Put Animals at Risk
Among those animals, you inadvertently invite to your property b feeding wildlife are pests. Rodents, for example, will be attracted by bird seeds if you feed birds on your property. Among the challenges you could face when these animals arrive in their numbers is the introduction of wildlife associated diseases such as the hantavirus or rabies. You, your family and your pest may suffer the painful, uncomfortable and sometimes deadly consequences of these diseases.
In addition to those animals that create discomfort and make your space unhealthy, dangerous animals may be attracted by the food you provide for wildlife. You may find, for instance, that the animals you feed are attacked by their predators that also come to your space when you put food outside. They may also arrive after following their prey (the animals you feed). You may intend only to feed mild-mannered animals such as squirrels, small mammals, and turkeys, but end up hosting their predators like foxes, bears and coyotes.
If you genuinely want to do something to help wildlife animals in the winter, instead of feeding them on your property the ideal move would be to improve their habitat. For convenience, you could start with habitat nearest to you.
When You Need Expert Help
If your wildlife feeding habits result in the presence of unwanted animals on your property, you will need expert animal removal services to handle the situation for you. Skedaddle is one of the best humane animal removal service providers you can find in Canada. Skedaddle’s wildlife technicians are trained and equipped to remove wildlife safely and humanely and implement strategies to prevent them from entering your property. Our animal removal methods are effective, safe and humane and as such you are left with a space that is wildlife free but at the same time, your conscience is comfortable as you can rest assured that Skedaddle’s strategies are designed to ensure that the animals survive.