You hear the rapid rat-a-tat-tat as you recline on your patio. Following the source of the sound, you see a woodpecker furiously drilling holes in your trees with its beak. If you’ve ever experienced this, you might have considered calling a bird removal company. Continue below to learn more about why woodpeckers make holes, whether you should be concerned about your trees, the types of trees woodpeckers like best, and when it is time to call the experts.
What Is So Great About Making All These Holes?
Woodpeckers are infamous for annoying anyone within earshot of their racket. If you’re someone who enjoys the peace and quiet of nature, having a woodpecker nearby may make you reconsider moving back into the big city. That said, woodpeckers do this for a reason! Usually, they are drilling into the wood to find something to eat, such as larvae, tree sap, insects that are trapped within the sap, or ants and beetles inside the tree bark.
It’s not all food and games, however. Woodpeckers also peck holes in trees in order to find a mate. Especially in the Spring, they will cause even more of a ruckus, in order to establish their territory and signal to other woodpeckers where they can be found. If you hear them pecking early in the morning, this is likely the reason. It is quieter early in the morning, and their unique sound will have a chance to carry farther.
A final reason for the pecking is that they are trying to make nests. Dead or dying trees are easier to hollow out because they are less dense with moisture. This could be especially damaging to an already-sick tree because the hole needed to make the nest will be much larger than typical woodpecker holes.
What Trees Do They Look For?
Different types of woodpeckers will look for different types of trees, but the most common woodland victims of woodpecker abuse are…
- Pine
- Birch
- Spruce
- Fruit trees
- Sweet gums
These trees tend to have softer wood, which makes them easier to bore into. That being said, any tree that has wood borers or bark lice insects will be susceptible to woodpecker damage.
Should I Be Worried About My Trees?
Your biggest concern is not so much the annoying presence of the woodpecker, but why the woodpecker has chosen that tree. Trees that have wood-boring insects such as weevils and locusts may already be structurally damaged, and the woodpecker is simply leading you to the problem. Holes in the exterior of tree bark may be unsightly, but they will not kill a tree. Insects, however, are more of a risk. Sapsucker woodpeckers also may create a problem by sucking the healthy sap out of a good tree, compromising its ability to transport nutrients throughout the trunk and branches.
When Is It Time To Call a Bird Removal Expert?
Reliable wildlife control in Madison is easy to come by. Skedaddle’s humane bird removal services include an understanding that removing woodpeckers prematurely will impact the ecosystem. Also, many of these birds are protected species, may be carrying diseases, and may injure a human. With this in mind, trust us to handle touching the birds and coordinating their removal, if necessary. It is dangerous for a homeowner or novice bird enthusiast to attempt bird removal.
When you call Skedaddle, we will send a trained technician to complete a thorough assessment of your property and come up with a written, no-obligation quote that is fully customized to your needs. Contact us today to begin the process and give yourself added peace of mind.