As cute and funny as squirrels are, you must remember they are wild animals and not pets. People love squirrels so much that they often try to feed them and coax them closer for contact, which is not advisable, according to experts in squirrel removal in Victoria.
Many people wonder why you shouldn’t feed squirrels, and the answers are pretty simple. Ultimately, it would be best if you didn’t feed a squirrel for its own safety. Also, you should avoid welcoming the animals onto your property for your safety. There are at least three reasons you should not feed squirrels in your Victoria neighbourhood.
1. Squirrels Might Invade Your Home
Like all animals, squirrels seek food and shelter; preferably, they will find both in close proximity. If you feed squirrels routinely, you advertise that your property is a wildlife buffet. Squirrels will take advantage of your generosity. Not only will the animals happily feast on the food you offer, but they will also start to look for nesting sites nearby.
While you might not consider your home a nesting site, squirrels will. Your house is sturdy, free from predators, and might be more vulnerable than you realize. A squirrel will expose those vulnerabilities and find a way inside. The big problem is you might not even know they are inside.
Squirrels have a sleep-wake cycle similar to humans, so when you go to bed, they go to bed. When you wake and leave the house for work, so do they. It can take time for you to realize that squirrels are living in your walls or attic. By the time you realize it, you will probably need to deal with significant damage.
2. Squirrels Can Spread Diseases and Parasites
Besides the potential damage to your home, you do not want to feed squirrels because they can spread disease and parasites. Feeding squirrels only means attracting more squirrels and, consequently, more diseases and parasites.
Squirrels are carriers of fleas, mites, ticks, and countless other bacteria. The more squirrels you have around your property, the more you, your family, and your pets are exposed.
The animals will find other grounds to forage by simply refraining from feeding squirrels. Don’t worry. The neighbourhood squirrels will not starve because you refuse to feed them.
3. Squirrels Can Become Too Comfortable and Dependent
People who routinely feed squirrels are doing the animals a disservice. They are encouraging the furry, playful critters to ignore their natural foraging instinct in favor of an easy meal. When people continuously feed squirrels, they can interfere with normal migratory patterns of the species.
Many squirrels will travel up to 50 miles before the winter to find plentiful nesting grounds. If you or others provide food, a squirrel might not feel a need to leave its current nest. If you or your neighbours stop feeding the animals when the weather gets colder, they could starve.
The worst thing that can happen to a squirrel is to become dependent on human feeding. Allow the animal to fend for itself; it will be stronger and even healthier for it.
Most people don’t worry about how to get rid of squirrels because they see the animals as neighbourhood mascots. The love of squirrels gives way to bad habits, like daily feedings.
If you see squirrels around your neighbourhood, it is best to leave them be. Watch them from a distance and enjoy the laughter they bring. However, if you believe the animals are nesting on your property, do not encourage the behaviour by feeding them. Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control and schedule a property inspection. If squirrels get inside your house, they can cause extensive and costly damage.