Ajax is home to a thriving population of wildlife citizens. Like many animals around the world who find themselves living with human neighbours, Ajax’s wildlife species sometimes find themselves in conflict with the human way of life. Usually, they move into buildings occupied by people which typically prompts the need for wildlife control strategies. The city is no stranger to this need but it does help to recognize and acknowledge the different wildlife species you may encounter in the region.
Wildlife in Ajax
While living in this area, you are most likely already aware that wildlife sightings are a common occurrence. On a daily basis, you may see bats, skunks, rats, and raccoons. Naturally, if you meet them inside your home, you’ll be anxious to see them gone. But knowledge of these species can help you to keep them out and prevent these encounters in the first place.
When it comes to bats, Ajax is a great big hub. With 8 bat species living in the city, residents can feast their eyes on spectacular bat shows at dusk especially during spring and fall. Bats are also really helpful when it comes to preserving the ecological balance. But bats are definitely no fun when they decide to lodge in local homes. Not only do they make the living environment uncomfortable, but they are also associated with diseases that can lead to health problems for the people and domesticated animals who share the space. You should avoid direct contact with bats for this very reason.
It is not unusual to spot a skunk or two in the city, in fact, it is quite normal. Skunks enjoy the many meal options and comfortable living spaces offered by cities like Ajax. The fact that they aren’t too picky makes city living even easier for them. They will eat anything from insects to pet food. If they get a chance to enter your property, skunks may try to establish their nests under your porch or shed.
Raccoons are very popular in North America’s cities. They are animals that stay very busy year-round raiding and pillaging garbage disposal sites and bins for all the grub they can find. They eat almost anything, and since they are so intelligent, they have adapted perfectly to life in the city. If these masked bandits get into your home, they are pretty tricky to get rid of.
Rats and Mice
Ajax has its fair share of rodents like rats and mice and pretty much everyone has either seen one in the streets or encountered one inside a building. It is important to remember that these rodents are considered bacteria sponges and as such, you should always keep your distance and let the experts handle them.
Expert Wildlife Services in Ajax
The foundation for any successful wildlife control strategy is knowledge of the species being dealt with. This is why Skedadddle’s technicians stand out among others. They spend a lot of time studying wildlife species and keeping up with the latest discoveries in the wildlife control industry. As a result, residents can rest assured that the removal and exclusion strategies used by their Skedaddle technicians will always be the best available in the industry.