During the winter, most people like to snuggle up in their homes and enjoy some much-needed downtime from the hustle and bustle of their busy lives. Wildlife isn’t much different. Mice, skunks and raccoons want to find enough food to survive the cold and look for a place to stay warm.
While it’s a nice sentiment to let a raccoon keep warm under your deck or allow squirrels to shelter in your attic, these animals will cause many problems, such as chewing through your electrical wiring or creating a mess. Plus, they won’t want to move out when it warms up. Contact the professionals at our Skedaddle Durham location for wildlife removal if you notice these signs in your home.
Mice Do Not Hibernate
Mice can find the tiniest openings to sneak into your home. Although most mice are pretty small, they can create huge problems. Their waste stains your floors and furniture. Mice carry disease. You may not see mice, but you might hear them in your walls or see the evidence: little black pellets in your cupboards or near your pet’s food bowls. Sometimes, you may smell a musty odour if you have mice. To prevent mice from getting in, you should look for gaps around the utility lines into your home. Cover vents to prevent mice from following a heat source.
Squirrels Are Very Busy Creatures During Winter
Ground squirrels hibernate during the winter, but tree squirrels do not. Tree squirrels fatten up to make sure they have the energy to get through winter when food is more difficult to find. If squirrels nest in your attic, they can cause a lot of damage by gnawing at your wiring, siding and insulation. Some squirrels even mate over the winter.
They may also stash their food indoors, creating more damage. As with mice, you may hear squirrels in your walls or attic. Keep birdseed and other food sources away from your home. Cover all small openings and repair any damage quickly. Make sure to contact a professional wildlife removal service if you find evidence of rodents making a home. Here are some typical behaviours skunks exhibit throughout the winter months.
- Skunks enter a torpor state and awaken occasionally through winter
- Skunks fatten up before winter to go into a state of torpor, which is kind of like hibernation.
- Skunks hunker down over the winter, but they can awaken when the weather is nice enough to go forage for food and water.
- Skunks who have recently awakened from torpor may spray if they feel threatened.
- If you see holes in your yard you may have visitors as skunks are more likely to dig a hole to burrow.
- A skunk may also look for a place in your shed to shelter for the winter.
Raccoons Are Annoying All Year Long
Raccoons go into overdrive in the fall to store up food for the upcoming winter. They may also eat more to get fat and stay nourished when they can’t find food. A raccoon will get into your trash, your attic or garage to find food. If threatened, a raccoon may attack and bite. Keep your garbage cans secure, even in the cold months. If you find damage in your garage or attic, contact a wildlife removal service to find the pest and secure your property safely.
Contact Durham Wildlife Experts for Help
If you see signs of wildlife around your property or in your home, contact the expert Durham wildlife removal professionals with Skedaddle for humane control. We know how to remove wildlife safely, prevent another invasion and protect your home from animal damage. Don’t feel bad about kicking out unwanted residents in your home, just make sure to let the experts handle the job right.