Very few things can compare to the calm and relaxing feeling you get from an outdoor barbecue or grilling experience. Grilling events in the backyard also serve as ideal bonding moments for family members and friends. But the experience can quickly go south if rodents take up residence inside your barbecue station. When rodents invade the BBQ, humane wildlife removal services become necessary to protect your Toronto premises from any further rodent invasion.
Why Rodents Love BBQs
Rodents will come to your grill for two main reasons: food and shelter. They wriggle inside to find shelter from the elements and protection from predators. They will, therefore, build nests inside, especially if the unit has been out of use for some time. They also enter grills for food. Any leftovers, droppings or residue of food is enough to grab and hold the interest of these foragers.
Consequences of Rodent Presence inside your Grill
When rodents get inside your BBQ, it becomes an unsanitary pace for food preparation. The droppings and urine along with other biological material they leave inside, can contaminate your food (leading to diseases such as the Hantavirus or Leptospirosis) and let’s face it, the odour they produce is pretty much the last thing you want to smell when preparing your food.
Tips for Keeping Rodents Out of Your BBQ
You can keep rodents out of your grill by keeping it clean and properly closed. After each use, you should thoroughly clean the inside of your barbecue using a solution of dish soap and water. It can be difficult to remove stuck-on food so you may have to apply solutions such as a combination of baking soda and vinegar before cleaning. Even after the solution has softened it, you may need a spatula or something similar to scrape off the hardened build-up on your grill.
Remember to disinfect the tools you use to clean the grill after use. In fact, if you suspect a rodent presence in your BBQ, you should ensure that you disinfect all the grilling tools and food surfaces you keep in and around the BBQ. This will help to prevent the transmission of bacteria and germs they may have picked up from the rodent droppings and other biological waste material inside the BBQ.
Rodent Exclusion Strategies for Your BBQ
Whenever your BBQ is out of use it should not only be clean but also properly closed to prevent rodents from moving in. In addition to closing the grill when it is out of use, repair holes that appear over time by applying sheet metal over them. Avoid using steel wool for this purpose as it will melt away whenever the grill gets hot. You should also consider buying a zippered grill cover.
You should also eliminate other attractants of rodents which may exist in and around the home. Mounds of shrubs, paper, and collected waste are among these attractants. Denying rodents’ access to your property is an essential step towards keeping them away from your BBQ. Use steel wool to plug smaller holes. Use caulking to seal cracks that emerge over time.
If you do all this and still notice signs of rodent presence get in touch with one of the humane wildlife removal service providers in Toronto. Expert wildlife technicians like those at Skedaddle will apply their knowledge of rodent behavior and the unique features of the environment to create a targeted solution for your space.