Baby squirrels are adorable; even adult squirrels are cute. Unfortunately, as wildlife control in Barrie can attest, people tend to let their emotions get the best of them, and they try to adopt or keep squirrels as pets. The problem is, most people underestimate the responsibility of owning a wild animal and quickly become overwhelmed or simply and unintentionally deprive the animal of its basic needs. Ultimately, keeping a squirrel or any wild animal from its natural habitat is cruel. Still, aside from the cruelty debate, there are many reasons why it is a bad idea to keep a squirrel as a pet.
1. Squirrels Are Demanding and Energetic
Many people who have experience rehabilitating squirrels explain that life with a squirrel is both entertaining and daunting. Squirrels require a lot of space and two to three hours of outdoor playtime every day. There is no room for breaks or vacations. Taking in a squirrel requires 100% dedication and commitment.
2. Squirrels Have Sharp Nails
Squirrels have claws designed to tear into tree bark. Skin is not as resilient as tree bark. People who rehabilitate squirrels typically wear thick long sleeves and pants when handling or walking around loose squirrels. Without adequate protection, you will get cut, scratched, and gouged. Keep in mind that these injuries result from normal squirrel behaviour, not aggression.
3. Squirrels Do Not Have a Bite Inhibition Reflex
Domesticated pets have a bite inhibition reflex, meaning they can control the strength of their bite depending on the situation. For instance, when playing with your dog, they are typically gentle and do not pinch or break the skin.
Wild squirrels do not have this level of control. When they bite, they bite. Because their teeth are so sharp and their jaws incredibly strong, they will likely break the skin.
4. Squirrels Chew Everything
A squirrel’s teeth never stop growing. Squirrels must continually chew to file their teeth down like mice and rats. This constant chewing does not bode well for living as a pet. The animal will likely ruin trim work, cabinetry, and anything else it can get its mouth on trying to maintain its teeth. If the animal is allowed to roam freely through the house, it might also chew through wires, potentially causing a fire hazard.
5. Squirrels Are Junk Food Junkies
While a squirrel requires a balanced, healthy diet to thrive, the animal loves junk food. If a squirrel does not have continuous access to healthy food, it can become malnourished and ill. Living in a home, the animal will likely find a way to eat junk food, even if that means getting a little aggressive.
A squirrel does not understand that food is not healthy; it only knows that it wants the food and you are preventing it from eating. Many people who try to adopt a squirrel have many problems trying to maintain a healthy diet for the animal because of how insistent it can become.
6. Squirrels Are Wild Animals
Ultimately, it would be best not to have a squirrel as a pet because it is a wild animal. A squirrel will never be as happy living in a house as it would be roaming freely through nature. To force a wild animal to live as a pet is cruel and inhumane. Instead of fostering a squirrel or raising it, try calling a humane wildlife control service. These companies likely know of legitimate wildlife rehabilitation centers.
Are you in over your head with a squirrel and require squirrel removal services, or have you come across an injured or baby squirrel in your yard? Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to schedule an animal pickup or to discuss the issue.