Remove Sources of Food and Water
Like all wild animals, skunks are constantly looking for sources of food and water to survive. To prevent these animals from invading your home, you need to start by eliminating any standing water or food that is easily accessible. If you have a pet cat or dog, try to keep their food inside and away from open windows and doors. Keep this especially in mind when warmer weather approaches, as that is the more attractive time of year to open windows for fresh air and a breeze. In addition to paying attention to pet food, it is important to keep your home clean and free of human food crumbs. Skunks especially enjoy hiding out under decks, so keep an eye on food droppings if you have a barbecue or meal on your porch.Seal Points of Entry

- Ensuring that there are no existing skunks in your yard or under your deck, who would effectively be trapped inside the fence after you seal off the area
- Double checking that there are no baby skunks on the inside, as they can be especially difficult to see
- Putting up a metal or wooden gate around your lawn, home, or porch, to prevent skunks from coming back to live under the structure