Having a presence of mice in your home is not the end of the world; it is unwanted but fixable. Too many people feel that any sign of a mouse in the house means they have an infestation, which is not always true. Remember, mice coexist with people outside so they may feel they can also come inside for a visit. Thankfully, humane removal is workable; although it may require about two weeks.
Using Exclusion Over Inhumane Options
When people sense they have a mouse problem, they turn to quick, inhumane remedies, like traps and poisons. These measures are ineffective and hardly if ever warranted. Skedaddle focuses on exclusion’s humane approach, providing ways for the animal to leave the property while blocking re-entry.
Before the wildlife control team can begin, they must assess the property. For effective removal, the team must identify every entry point. While this may seem like an impossible task with such a small animal, wildlife experts, such as those working with Skedaddle, understand what to look for during an assessment.
- Droppings
- Urine stains
- Fur
- Stains
- Chewing
Installing One-Way Doors
The assessment of your property will help the wildlife control experts identify all vulnerable entry points. Knowing how mice are entering the home means that the problem can be mitigated. The wildlife expert will install one-way doors in every access point. These doors work by allowing the animal to leave the house, but the opening does not permit re-entry.
A typical humane removal process will take about two weeks to ensure that all the mice are gone. When the removal professional is confident that no mice remain, they will remove the one-way doors and seal the entry points, ensuring the mice cannot return.
Clearing and Cleaning the Property
With all entry points sealed, it is crucial to clear and clean the property. Leaves, branches, and other yard waste provide prime materials for nests. In some cases, the materials’ placement can lead to a nesting site, especially if it is near a warm and secure building or structure.
You also want to ensure that any pet food or water dishes get taken up and stored away when your animal does not need it. Mice will find any source of nutrients they can; it is all part of their survival instinct.
Keeping Your Property Secure
Our Coquitlam wildlife control team will also work to prevent future re-entry. While the team will seal all existing mouse holes, they will also secure screening over other vulnerable places. Beyond closing off the property to mice, Skedaddle will also deodorize the house, removing any residual scents or pheromones that may attract other unwanted houseguests.
The objective of prevention is to make your house less attractive to native wildlife species. You can help reduce your risk of infestation by limiting the amount of landscaping around your home, keeping trees trimmed and free of the roofline, and avoiding wildlife feeding. If you must feed the animals, use proper feeders, and place them away from the structure of your home.
Do you believe you have a mouse problem? Have you seen evidence that the critters are in your home or nesting on your property? If so, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. While you might be tempted to use inhumane options, remember that they are not effective responses for mice and do not treat the root cause. The best and safest option is humane removal, using exclusion and practical prevention tactics.