Bird Removal Durham | Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control skip to main content



Assess and Remove

The first step in resolving a nuisance bird issue is a thorough understanding of the exact nature of the problem. Our customized removal plans take into account the species of bird involved, the affected areas of the home and the time of year.

clear and clean

Clear and Clean

Birds can be messy, their nesting material and droppings can cause home damage and result in unsanitary conditions. As part of the process our trained technicians will remove nests from vents, soffits and balconies and safely scrub away unhealthy droppings.


Prevent and Protect

Our prevention plans are customized to address the specific bird threats your home faces. Our technicians are trained to install protective barriers and devices designed to make your home inhospitable to birds.


Birds in Durham


The Durham region is home to a variety of bird species, making the area a bird watchers paradise, and a property owner’s nightmare. Situated between Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe, Durham has a lot to offer urban birds. Areas like Lynde Shore Conservation Area and Oshawa Creek Trail are great places to spot local birds, however once they begin making their way closer onto properties, they can become a nuisance. Not all birds fly south for the winter, so you can find birds living in your home at any time of the year. Our Skedaddle team in Durham is trained to perform thorough prevention strategies and remove birds effectively when required. Find out how humane bird removal in Durham can protect your home and your health.

Pigeon Problems in Durham

Throughout Durham’s continually growing cities and commercial areas, pigeons are a commoner problem for property owners. Particularly for Durham business owners, pigeons can create unsanitary and uninviting conditions quickly. Businesses along the 401, as well as newly developed areas in Ajax, Oshawa and Pickering are some of the most common areas to spot pigeons in Durham.

Pigeons like to roost and nest on the hard surfaces that are offered in the city. Concrete, stone and steel are all materials they can nest and roost on comfortably, while staying high from the reach of people. From their perch, pigeons are able to scavenge for food offered throughout the city from leftovers and poor sanitation.

Reaching the high-points on a building that birds love is a task best completed by trained professionals. Skedaddle technicians come equipped with the safest tools to reach the tallest points on a property in order to remove birds, nesting materials and droppings.

Since pigeons love tall buildings, this makes them more of a nuisance for commercial, industrial and high rise apartments. Balconies, ledges and HVAC units are some of the most common places they establish themselves, and also some of the most common areas where diseases and bacteria are able to spread. Pigeon droppings can be a health hazard and are known to carry diseases like histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. The only way to safely clean up after a pigeon infestation is to hire professionals who know how to prevent the spread, and come equipped with proper protective equipment.

Durham Starling Removal

Not every bird species is migratory. Non-migratory birds need to find sheltered areas to stay warm through the winter season in Durham. Your bathroom or kitchen vent is the most common roost in your home for non-migratory birds. Along the lake, areas like Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering and Bowmanville offer the ideal living environment for starlings. Water, food and shelter can all be found throughout the rural areas of these communities. Starlings are not picky when it comes to selecting their homes. Starlings also enjoy areas where they can find dense tree canopies, such as Rexdale and Brooklin. Not only do the old grown branches allow them easy access to homes, there are more plentiful food sources in the area to draw them in. If they can not find a tree to perch on, Starlings can build their nest in the dryer, kitchen and bathroom vents of some of the newest homes and condos. Skedaddle’s Durham team has found them in both new and old communities.

Skedaddle technicians take viewers along to a home where they are removing a starling nest from a bathroom vent. Starlings love to nest inside vents where their eggs can stay warm and dry. Our technicians ensure that every piece of nesting material, droppings and bacteria are removed from the vent while keeping any potential babies or unhatched eggs safe during the process.

When a starling blocks ventilations systems with their nesting materials, they can cause fire hazards, and spread diseases and micro parasites into the home. As these spaces vent air into living spaces of the home, it is important to ensure that all harmful materials are removed after an infestation. Skedaddle specializes in the humane removal of bird nests from vents and soffits. Our specialized technicians remove the babies by hand and place them in a temporary nesting box that is affixed next to the vent opening. The temporary nesting box allows the starling parents to feed and look after their young until they are ready to fledge, usually within 3 to 4 weeks. After the mother and her babies have flown away, our team can begin the tedious process of cleaning and decontaminating the areas they were nesting. The final step involves a throughout exclusion process where high quality steel screens and exclusion sealants are strategically placed on the birds entry points. This prevents any starling problems in the future.

Watch as a trained Skedaddle technician expertly secures an exclusion screen over a wall vent to prevent future bird entry. Our galvanized steel screens are made to stand the test of time against all types of weather and even the most determined animal.

Birds Love Durham’s Fresh Water

Centered between Lake Simcoe and Lake Ontario, the Durham region is a haven for birds. Water is vital to their survival, and with many communities in such close proximity to the water, birds are able to find shelter close to their water source. Geese in particular have become a problem for many community members that find themselves along the waterline. In 2010, residents of Scugog were faced with significant health issues when goose droppings were littered all over parks and walkways – making it impossible for residents to enjoy. Lakefront Park West, Lakeview Park Beach and Darlington Provincial Park have faced similar problems due to their close proximity to the water. The cold air that floats across the two lakes allows for comfortable temperatures for a variety of bird species in the spring and summer, however during the winter, the breeze turns cold and forces birds to find a warm shelter. Not all starlings migrate for the winter months, which often leaves many Durham homeowners as unsuspecting tenets to their winter guests. Skedaddle technicians know how to remove birds from a property and safely exclude them from returning. Using high quality exclusion products that are customized to each property, our team ensures birds find no place to land or roost.

Bird Facts

If you’ve ever walked past a large flock of roosting pigeons, sparrows, or starlings, you know how loud and irritating a flock of wild birds can be. Here are some other reasons that it’s best to evict winged tenants in safe, humane ways:


Starlings can fit into openings as small as a golf ball. Once inside your home they can lay as many 12-14 eggs through the spring and summer nesting season.


Nesting materials, particularly from starlings and sparrows, can clog chimney pipes and other home vents. Over time, this can decrease your indoor air quality and increase the risk of a house fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.


Bird droppings not only create strong odours, but they also come with health concerns. Birds can spread histoplasmosis, which can be a serious illness for very old or young individuals. Droppings are also highly acidic, so they can damage insulation, paint, and other materials in your home.


Pigeons, starlings and sparrows are the most common species of birds to nest or live inside homes. All three species were brought to North America from Europe and have since spread across the continent.


Inhumane bird removal strategies, such as quickly sealing all entry points, can increase the risk of young birds dying in your home. This can not only cause an inhumane death, but can also cause an unpleasant odour and health concerns.


Durham Wildlife Removal: Dangers of a Birds Nest in your Furnace Ducts

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Do Birds Abandon their Nest if you Touch it?

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What You Need to Know About These Common Pest Birds

Many people love birds. They hang bird feeders in their trees, place bird baths on their lawns and love to sit sipping their early morning coffee and listen to the melodious chirping of their feathered friends. But while you may love birds in your garden, ...
