Skunks are cute, but you don’t want them making a home on your property. Prevention is the best tool you have for keeping these stinky neighbourhood animals at bay. If you have skunks consistently on your property, contact skunk removal in Durham for help.
The odorous spray of skunks is potentially dangerous for you and your pets. Also, it lingers. Beyond odour, skunks can damage your property with their feeding habits.
Skunks like to eat ground-dwelling bugs, especially grubs. Clear evidence of skunks on your property is the leftover holes from a late-night dinner.
5 Ways To Keep Skunks Away
Skunks are among the more manageable wildlife species. The animals are timid and like to keep to themselves. If you implement the appropriate defences, you can significantly reduce the risks of skunks moving in or under your property.
Skunks have known fears and dislikes, making it easy to create an unwelcoming environment. Five elements can help you prevent skunks from entering or staying on your property.
1. Bright Lights
Skunks are nocturnal creatures and prefer dimly lit areas. Poor lighting gives the animal a sense of security. While bright lights alone will not prevent skunks, they can deter them.
Some people have found great success with motion-activated lighting. Because the lights switch only turn on when they sense movement, it can startle a skunk, making it hurry away to another darker yard.
Be careful when installing lights in your yard. You want to be courteous of neighbours and their privacy. Keep lights focused in your yard space as much as possible.
2. Loud Noises
Skunks like the quiet. You can deter roaming or nesting on your property by playing loud noises over speakers. While loud noises can work, expect complaints if you live in a well-populated area.
You might not even need to play loud, obnoxious sounds. Some evidence suggests skunks don’t like the sound of people talking. You can try playing talk radio at a conversational volume to see if it helps deter skunks.
3. Elimination of Potential Den Sites
From February through March, skunks are actively searching for den sites. You can keep them from your property by eliminating all potential den sites in your yard.
Skunks will seek out areas that provide cover and shelter. If they don’t have to do a lot of digging, it is best. The animal prefers fabricated structures, like underneath decking or outbuildings. These sites provide adequate space and protection for a mama and her babies.
You can block the underside of these structures with wire mesh and soil. Don’t just lay the mesh over the grass. Secure it to the deck and bury a portion under the ground.
4. Tight Fitting Garbage Can Lids
While skunks will feast on grubs and other insects, they are also prone to scavenging through the trash. You need to eliminate easy access to your garbage. Store trash in tightly sealed garbage cans. Also, if possible, store the garbage in a garage, eliminating the risks of nosey wildlife knocking the cans over.
5. Fence Installation
Installing a sturdy fence is the best way to keep skunks out of your yard. Skunks are not the best climbers. A fence, if correctly installed, can keep the animal away. It is best to hire a professional installer for the best results.
Hire a Humane Wildlife Control Service
If you already have skunks on your property and are wondering how to get rid of skunks, there is only one reasonable solution: call a humane wildlife control company. Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control and schedule a property evaluation. The company will send a team to inspect your property and provide an estimate.