Do Mice Hibernate?
Mice do not hibernate. They remain active all winter long, which means that they continue to reproduce throughout the winter.How Long Do Mice Live?
In the wild, a mouse's life expectancy is about one year. However, mice in your home are shielded from their usual predators. As a result, their life expectancy is doubled or even tripled. That means that mice in a home can produce up to three times the litters that they would have in a normal lifetime.How Often Do Mice Reproduce?
Mice are pregnant for less than a month. Their gestation period is 21 days at most, meaning that mice give birth about three weeks after conception. Once they give birth, female mice are ready to conceive again right away. As a result, a female mouse can produce between five and ten litters per year.How Fast Do Mice Multiply?
On average, mouse litters contain about six to eight babies, also called pups, but can have up to 14. This means that a single female mouse can produce between 32 to 56 pups every year on the low end of the scale. If she lives three years, that is 96 to 168 baby mice per year, and even that is a conservative estimate. If those numbers don't sound too bad, keep in mind that it presumes that the original mother mouse is the only one reproducing, but that probably isn't the case. Each new generation of mouse babies is able to reproduce at the age of six weeks. Out of the approximately 60 mice that the original mother mouse produces in a year, approximately half are female. If each of those female mice has 10 litters, then at the end of the year there may be 5,082 new mice descended from the original pairing. According to one calculation, one breeding pair of mice in the home could lead to an infestation of five million by the end of the year, but that presumes that the mice do not die of anything but natural causes.