Skunks are common neighborhood animals. The animals often go unnoticed because they are nocturnal, but there is no mistaking their presence when you get a whiff of their defense mechanism wafting through the air.
Smelling a skunk is not the same as having one on your property. The odor can travel quite a distance. However, if you notice holes in your yard, disturbed gardens, and an unusual smell, a skunk is more likely. Never handle a skunk. DIY removal methods are surefire ways to stress the animal and get yourself sprayed or injured. Call skunk removal services.
You can limit the need for wildlife control services by incorporating several prevention methods. Discover the practical preventatives that can keep wildlife, including skunks, off your property.
5 Skunk Prevention Tips From Professional Skunk Removal Services
Wildlife control in Waukesha is a job best left to professionals. Wild animals are unpredictable and dangerous.
Humans should limit interactions with wildlife so they don’t interfere with the animal’s instincts. The best way to help wildlife and yourself is to take action to restrict access to your property. You have at least five things you can do to prevent skunks and other critters from using your property as a sanctuary and feeding ground.
1. Close Off Potential Den Sites
Skunks tend to burrow when making dens. Still, if a readily available place offers shelter and protection, the animal may decide to cut some corners when building a home. For example, the underside of backyard structures, such as decks or sheds, make the perfect shelters. Skunks can easily traverse the areas, and the buildings or deck boards offer adequate protection against predators.
Seal the underside of decks and other structures using hardware cloth or wire mesh. Ensure the location is vacant before closing it in, or you risk trapping and starving the animal and its babies.
2. Secure Garbage
Like squirrels, possums, and raccoons, skunks are foragers. They look for food wherever it may appear, including garbage bags. To prevent skunks on your property, you must ensure that garbage cans have tight-fitting lids. Also, never store your garbage cans outside. Keeping the cans in a secure garage or shed until garbage collection day is the best way to protect against wildlife.
3. Remove Yard Debris
Yard waste, including old wood, leaves, and overgrown vegetation, can provide shelter for skunks and other critters, such as rats and mice. A well-maintained and manicured yard is less appealing to wildlife because it doesn’t provide adequate protection against predators. Also, well-cared-for landscapes make it easier to tell when skunks are burrowing or feasting on a property, allowing homeowners to contact skunk removal for rapid intervention.
4. Protect Pet Doors
Pet doors are an excellent convenience for pet owners, but they also present entry points for wildlife. If you have a pet door, ensure it has a secure way to lock it. Do not leave it open 24/7. You can leave it unlocked during the afternoon or mornings, but you should consider locking it at dusk when nocturnal animals start to wonder.
5. Remove Water Sources
Water features are beautiful additions to any property but also increase the likelihood of wildlife on your property. One of the first things skunk removal near me will recommend is eliminating all possible food and water sources to discourage wildlife from becoming too comfortable.
Hire Professional Skunk Removal
It is possible to protect your property against wildlife invasions, but even the most protected yard has risks. While you can secure under decking and backyard structures, seal and store garbage securely, maintain a beautiful yard, secure pet doors, and eliminate fresh water sources, skunks and other wildlife may still journey through your yard or find something attractive about it. To protect your property, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to discuss skunk removal and schedule an inspection.